Employee News - March 30

A service of the King County Department of Human Resources

King County Employee News



Drive Thru Vaccine

Vaccine eligibility is expanding March 31

On Wednesday, March 31, Washington is expected to open COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to those who qualify under Phases 1B tier 3 and/or 1B tier 4.

This includes all people age 60 and older, people 16 years or older with two or more co-morbidities or underlying conditions, people, staff and volunteers in certain congregate living settings, and additional high-risk critical workers in certain congregate settings.

Click here to find out more about eligibility. 

Elder Eritrean female

Bringing vaccination to communities that need access (and trust)

by Public Health Insider 

In King County and across the nation, COVID-19 has had disproportionate impacts on African-Americans, Latinos, Indigenous people, Pacific Islanders, and other communities of color, many of which have experienced racism or neglect at the hands of the medical establishment. 

To reach these communities, Public Health – Seattle & King County has been supporting a series of community vaccination events. Non-profit organizations with close community ties have played a crucial role, co-sponsoring the clinics and recruiting people to participate.

Read the full story about this community effort here.  

Vaccine female nurse and patient

Auburn vaccination site relocated to provide expanded access in south King County

King County has relocated its Auburn community vaccination site from the General Services Administration Complex to the Outlet Collection shopping center in Auburn, in large part due to a partnership with Boeing, which has contributed to the clinic's infrastructure.

The larger facility will allow for six times the appointment capacity of the previous site. Read more here


women's history month

Join King County Services' online event to celebrate Women's History Month

To honor Women’s History Month, King County Local Services is celebrating members of our Road Services Division who are women and individuals who are transgender, non-binary or self-identify as female.

Since last week, we have been introducing several of those team members via Local Services’ social media channels (Facebook and Instagram). We will cap the celebration with an online webinar, where you’ll hear from these team members directly as they share experiences about their career and offer advice for anyone considering joining the field.

vaccination card

What’s a COVID-19 vaccination card and why should I keep it?

Over 2.8 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have already been given to Washingtonians. Even if you haven’t gotten one yet, you may have already seen pictures of a “vaccination card” on the news or social media.

So, what is this card and what should you do with it once you get it? Find out here. 

BLM Metro art

Metro unveils ‘Black Lives Matter’ buses and employee art

King County Metro understands that Black Lives Matter is a movement, not a moment. That movement is a call for all of us to stand together for racial equity and justice across our community, including standing with the Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA) community. 

In recognition of this movement, Metro transit workers have created original art that will be displayed on buses and work locations. In each display, Metro’s employee-artists voice their concerns about the current state of equity and social justice in America, and their belief that the fight for equality continues. 

Read more and watch the video here


Free sustainable yard classes for the community

One of the things the Wastewater Treatment utility does is education on water issues and solutions for students and community members. When in-person teaching due to COVID-19 wasn't possible, the utility’s education team adapted many of the programs to be online.

Find out all about the program and classes here

Tech Tips: Two great new scheduling applications, Shifts and Bookings, are now available

  • Shifts is a tool in Teams that managers can use to schedule work shifts and approve time off requests for their team. Employees can offer their shifts to and swap them with others, and request time off. Check out Shifts in the KCIT Learning Hub. 
  • Bookings is an app in Microsoft 365 that customers (internal or external) can use to schedule appointments with some King County departments instead of walking into a building and waiting for an available person or waiting on hold on the phone. Go to the KCIT Learning Hub to learn how to use Bookings with your customers. 

Please note, these are supplemental tools and do not replace PeopleSoft for timekeeping or any other appointment tools already in use by your department. 

Masked Medical

Featured Job: COVID-19 Vaccination Program Licensed Practical Nurse

Salary: $48,464.00 - $62,004.80 Annually

Location: Various Locations throughout King County

Job Type: Special Duty Assignment or Term Limited Temp (TLT)

Department: DPH - Public Health

Job Number: 2021AC12790

Division: Community Health Services

We’re all ready to say goodbye to COVID-19. In those efforts, we are looking to fill numerous Licensed Practical Nurses. Lead the charge by prepping & administering vaccines and providing vaccine education.

Learn more about this position or view all available positions.

King County Headlines

Dr. Jeff Duchin discusses increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations - March 26

Urban Indian Health Institute advances their mission with KCGIS support

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Interested in sharing a news story, or have a news tip? Click here to submit an item to Employee News. For questions or suggestions, please contact KCEmployees@kingcounty.gov.