Employee News - July 9, 2020

A service of the King County Department of Human Resources

King County Employee News



CDC updated the high-risk list. And it’s not just older adults. 

In spite of Washington State’s ongoing efforts to contain it, COVID-19 is spreading more rapidly by the day, especially among  people aged 20-40. And while they are less likely to become seriously ill from the virus, they can still spread it to friends, family and neighbors – without even knowing they have it.  Many young people are also in the higher risk categories recently updated by the CDC.  

Who’s at risk: An update 

Much about the virus remains a mystery, but we are learning more each week about who is most vulnerable. The CDC has updated its list of people who are at increased risk of severe illness and those who should take extra precautions to avoid getting the virus, regardless of age. Among them are some members racial and ethnic groups that have experienced longstanding health and social inequities, including Black people, Native Americans and Latinos.   

Native Americans and Black people are five times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19, and Latinos are four times as likely to be hospitalized, according to the CDC. Black, Brown, and Indigenous lives truly matter—we can protect those lives if we take precautions to prevent the virus from spreading to them. Read more.


Black mental health matters 

The direct effects of increased exposure to violence, police brutality, and systemic racism placed on the Black Community, and a pandemic that has disproportionately affected communities of color here in King County, continues to be a concern for Black Children and Families. 

Depression, stress and anxiety impacts adults and children in the Black Community in many ways. Inherited and experienced racial trauma and systemic inequities in healthcare limits an individual’s quality of life and life expectancy. 

It is particularly important for parents and caregivers to be mindful of the emotional and mental well-being of children and young adults during this time. Their feelings are real and justified. They need and deserve support. Read more.  


Celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act, July 26

The American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) is turning 30 on Sunday, July 26, 2020. The ADA prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several areas, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local government programs’ and services.  

In honor of this groundbreaking legislation, King County, the City of Seattle and the Northwest ADA Center have put together a three-hour block of television programming that highlights individual stories about disability, ways to support accessibility, and challenges that remain for individuals with a disability in our community. Please join us on the Seattle Channel on Sunday, July 26 from 2 - 5 p.m. and King County TV on Monday, July 27 from 5 - 8 p.m. All programming will be accessible. For more details, view  this flyer 

This special television programming will include:  

  • Presentations by Seattle’s renowned architect Karen Braitmayer  
  • An original documentary, Bottom Dollars, by Rooted in Rights  
  • Benefits of Universal Design  
  • Breaking Down Barriers with Supported Employment  
  • Introduction to Accessible Online Meetings, Alt Text, Captions, and Transcripts  

The Seattle Channel airs on channels 21 on Comcast and Wave, 8003 on CenturyLink, and in HD on Comcast channel 321, 721 on Wave, and 8503 on CenturyLink. King County TV airs on Comcast channels 22 and 322 in HD, and Wave channel 22. 


Introduction to Mindfulness – Online, July 15 

In this two-hour workshop, we will review the various aspects of mindfulness practice, the ways mindfulness can help reduce stress, reactivity and burnout, and the science that supports the practices. This free workshop includes hands-on learning of several simple but effective mindfulness practices that participants can put to use in their lives right away. 

For more information, contact Balanced You at BalancedYou@kingcounty.gov. 


Doing the right thing: Restaurants and COVID-19 

In response to rising COVID-19 cases county wide, Public Health – Seattle & King County is expanding efforts to educate and enforce compliance of Governor Inslee’s Safe Start COVID-19 reopening requirements in food establishments.  

The governor’s Safe Start business reopening requirements include that food establishments: 

  • Set up customer flow that allows for social distancing of 6 feet or more; 
  • Assure that employees and customers wear face coverings; 
  • Limit restaurant indoor and outdoor seating occupancy; and 
  • Take other important protective measures such as surface cleaning and employee health screening. 

Featured Job: Personal Health Services Supervisor – North Regional Parent Child Health Teams 

Salary$96,012.80 - $124,716.80 Annually 

LocationVarious Locations throughout King County, WA 

Job TypeSpecial Duty Assignment or Term Limited Temp (TLT) 

DepartmentDPH - Public Health 

Job Number2020-11824 

DivisionCommunity Health Services 

Learn more about this position or view all available positions. 

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