January 2025
Single lane closures on East Lake Sammamish Parkway scheduled for January 17
Geotechnical crews are scheduled to work along East Lake Sammamish Parkway Northeast on Friday, January 17 starting at 9 a.m. Crews will be performing seasonal groundwater monitoring and inspecting monitoring wells that were installed in October 2024. The data they collect will inform King County’s Sammamish Plateau Diversion Project.
This work will result in temporary single-lane closures along East Lake Sammamish Parkway as crews work at each well. This work is expected to take up to one day.
What To Expect
The work will be scheduled between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. during the work week (Monday-Friday). Work is expected to take up to one day.
Temporary single-lane or turn-lane closures on East Lake Sammamish Parkway Northeast between Northeast 49th Place and Northeast Inglewood Hill Road (see map below)
- Message signs on East Lake Sammamish Parkway Northeast with advance notice of closures.
Flaggers directing drivers through the area.
- Local and emergency access will be maintained during the closure.
- Flaggers will treat school buses as an emergency vehicle to reduce delays.
- Visit the Sammamish Plateau Diversion Project webpage for the most up-to-date information about this work.
Approximate location of work activities
We anticipate that crews will temporarily close a single lane or turn lane along East Lake Sammamish Parkway Northeast. This map shows the approximate closure and work locations.
A map showing Lake Sammamish and the approximate work area and inspection locations.
We're here for you!
We know that large construction projects can be stressful for communities, and there are a lot of construction projects going on across the Eastside. Our project team is committed to being available and continuing to work with neighbors, businesses, visitors, and commuters every step of the way. We will be here for you all the way through design and construction and into operations. Feel free to contact us at any time!
Contact us
Monica Van der Vieren,Community Services Lead Monica.VanDerVieren@kingcounty.gov, 206-477-5502 Visit us at kingcounty.gov/SammamishPlateauDiversion