As we observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we’re reminded of how deeply his words and actions continue to shape our world today. For many of us, this day serves not just as a time of reflection, but as a call to action. Dr. King’s message of love, justice, and equality resonates in our lives, our communities, and our hearts.
Personally, I find myself thinking about how we can carry his legacy forward—not just in grand gestures, but in the everyday choices we make to treat others with respect, to stand up for what’s right, to fight for workers' rights and the right to unionize, and to create spaces where everyone feels seen and heard.
As we reflect on Dr. King’s vision, we’re also reminded that our own county bears his name—a constant reminder of the work still to be done in pursuit of the dream he shared with the world. In the coming years, the challenges we face may feel daunting, but in the spirit of Dr. King’s courage, resilience, and unwavering belief in justice, we must rise to meet them. Let’s honor his life by continuing the work of building a world that reflects his dream.
We’re all in this together.
Welcoming King County Council Chair Zahilay
 With the departure of District 5 Councilmember Upthegrove to serve as the Commissioner of Public Lands, the Council voted to appoint my colleague, Councilmember Girmay Zahilay, as our new chair for 2025. I want to congratulate Chair Zahilay and thank him for taking on this new role. I look forward to working with the new Chair and our Vice-Chairs Councilmember Reagan Dunn and Councilmember Sarah Perry this coming year. The Council will also soon vote to approve committee assignments and finalize leadership following the appointment of a new representative for District 5.
The Washington State Legislature began its 2025 session with seven new leaders!
When there are vacancies in legislative offices mid-term it falls to us as the King County Council to make appointments to fill the positions. We select interim legislative members to serve in the State Legislature until the next election. We get the chance to interview candidates sent to us by the local party (article 7) and evaluate and select who we think is best suited to step into the role. We've now completed appointments in four Legislative Districts over the last month. Congratulations to all who have been selected, and to all the candidates who put their names forward for consideration.
Congratulations Senator Orwall and Representative
Obras for their appointments in the 33rd Legislative District!
Congratulations on the unanimous selection of Senator Tina Orwall, for the 33rd District. Senator Orwall served the 33rd which includes parts of District 8, while in the State House and I’m sure she will continue building on her track record of success in her new role in the Senate. Thank you to Representative Gregerson and Melissa Chaudhry for also putting their names forward to fill the vacancy left by the retirement of Senator Keiser.
Congratulations to Representative Edwin Obras LD33 on his unanimous selection. I’ve had the privilege of working with Rep Obras in the past in his previous roles at the City of Seattle and as Board President of the Filipino Community of Seattle. He will continue to be a strong advocate for our community in Olympia. I also want to appreciate the dedication of both Sam Mendez and Krystal Marx who also stood for consideration and are both dedicated to serving the 33rd.
Congratulations Senator Slatter and Representative Salahuddin for their appointments in the 48th Legislative District!
From the 48th Legislative District, Senator Vandana Slatter, who has served as a representative since 2017, was unanimously appointed and sworn in filling the seat previously held by now Insurance Commissioner Patty Kuderer. Her experience will be a great addition to the Senate. Thank you to Representative Amy Walen who also put her name forward and has been a strong progressive voice in the state house.
To fill her newly vacant seat in the State House, we unanimously appointed Redmond City Councilmember Osman Salahuddin. Osman has demonstrated the ability to bring people into the process to build power to raise standards for all. His energy and experience will be a wonderful addition to the delegation of the 48th LD. Thank you to Councilmember Neal Black who also stood for consideration along with Vijay Beniwal.
Congratulations Senator Alvarado and Representative Thomas for their appointments in the 34th Legislative District!
Representative Emily Alvarado stepped up to fill this open seat and I cannot be more proud to be able to call her my State Senator. Her selection was unanimous. Not only is she a policy wonk like me, she is someone who has experience on how to get things done especially when it comes to helping build more affordable housing. Thank you to 34th LD Chair Jordan Crowley and Democratic Party leader Drew Estep who also put their names forward for consideration and were clear in their support of now Senator Alvarado. We’re thrilled Senator!
With Senator Alvarado moving over, it created an opening for representative. This was not an easy process, given the three incredibly qualified people sent to us by the 34th PCOs, but the council unanimously selected Brianna Thomas. Brianna had an incredible amount of community and organizational support, including over a dozen legislators which helped showed she’s ready to get started on day one in Olympia. I also want to extend a special thank you to School Board President Gina Topp and Burien Deputy Mayor Sarah Moore, both of whom are incredible leaders. Their work demonstrates that we are blessed with a wealth of highly qualified candidates in the 34th.
Congratulations Representative Zahn for her appointment in the 41st Legislative District!
With Representative Senn of the 41st LD now heading the Department of Children, Youth, and Families it created an opening which the council needed to fill. We unanimously selected Bellevue Councilmember Janice Zahn. Her experience on council helping build more affordable housing and the time she has spent at the Port of Seattle as the chief engineer puts her on a strong footing to be a champion for King County and the 41st in the State House. Thank you also to Councilmember Pamela Stuart of Sammamish and Councilmember Ted Weinberg of Mercer Island who also were incredibly qualified and stood for consideration.
Congratulations to all leaders as they step into these important roles to serve our community!
King County Council adopts Youth Bill of Rights
 Over 2,200 young people across King County contributed their voices to create a new Youth Bill of Rights, aimed at influencing policies that impact youth. This effort, which began in 2019 with input from the King County Children and Youth Advisory Board, culminated in the development of the Youth Bill of Rights, which reflects the priorities of young people in areas like health, education, equity, safety, and more. The process gathered over 4,000 comments, ensuring diverse youth voices were heard from across the county. 333 youth from District 8 provided comment – about 12% of all young people that participated – and all zip codes from District 8 were represented.
King County Executive Dow Constantine presented the Youth Bill of Rights to the County Council, recommending its adoption as a guide for policy decisions and the creation of a Youth Commission. The Youth Bill of Rights will be updated every five years. On January 7th, the Council passed the proposal. Thank you to Councilmember Dembowski for his leadership on this prior to my joining council and his co-sponsorship of the legislation.