Reagan Dunn Passes Storm Recovery Legislation Through Committee

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King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn

Your Weekly Update on What's Happening at the King County Council  

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Last week, Councilmember Sarah Perry and I introduced legislation to help residents respond to the severe storm damage in East and Southeast King County resulting from the Nov. 19 bomb cyclone. On Wednesday, this legislation cleared a significant hurdle and was unanimously passed out of the Committee of the Whole. It will be heard by the full County Council this coming Tuesday for final passage.  

The proposal focuses on significant challenges for those residents who suffered the worst of the storm damage. The legislation calls for additional resources to aid in the recovery, including permitting assistance for damaged homes, farms and businesses, and calls for the creation of a grant program for residents who have incurred out-of-pocket living expenses as a result of extended power outages. These expenses could include fuel for generators, short term hotel charges, food spoilage, dumping fees, tree and branch removal and other storm related expenses

This is a good first step in providing some short-term relief for people who were hurt by the storm while also looking ahead and planning for the next time one of these storms hits us. 

As you know, many in our district bore the brunt of impacts from this storm - not just in power outages, but in being put out of their homes and facing immense costs and effort to put those homes back together.  

Here are some resources available now:  

All my best,

Councilmember Reagan Dunn Signature

Reagan Dunn
King County Councilmember
District 9

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