October 2024
King County’s contractor making solid progress on soil sampling on East Lake Sammamish Parkway
Thank you for your patience as drilling continues along East Lake Sammamish Parkway Northeast. King County’s contractor is sampling soils and installing groundwater monitoring wells. This work requires temporary single-lane closures and/or turn lane closures between Northeast 49th Place and Northeast Inglewood Hill Road.
As of Wednesday, October 16, the contractor has completed about one-third of the borings between Northeast 18th Place and Northeast 30th Court. We expect to continue work from Northeast 30th Court to Northeast 49th Place and Northeast 18th Place and Northeast Inglewood Hill Road over the next two weeks.
Work at each site will take about one to two days, with a total remaining duration of about two weeks, depending on permit and field conditions. We will continue to keep you updated on the progress of this work and let you know about any changes to the project schedule.
For more information on what to expect and a project map, please visit our website.
Crews work along East Lake Sammamish Parkway Northeast to install groundwater monitoring wells
The Sammamish Plateau Diversion Project team wants to hear from you!
King County’s project team would like to learn more about you and your community, and how best to work with you throughout design and construction of this project. We want to know what is important to you and how to keep you updated.
To share your thoughts with us, we invite you to complete a survey by December 2, 2024. We expect that this survey will take about 10 minutes. Your input can inform our plans and designs and help us to better serve you and the project community.
We have two different surveys, one for community members and one for local businesses. If you are both a community member and a local business owner who may be affected by future construction, please consider filling out both surveys.
Community members:
If you prefer to provide the information in the survey over the phone or by other means, please contact Monica Van der Vieren at 206-477-5502 or monica.vandervieren@kingcounty.gov.
A WTD project team member answers questions from members of the community
We're here for you!
We know that large construction projects can be stressful for communities, and there are a lot of construction projects going on across the Eastside. Our project team is committed to being available and continuing to work with neighbors, businesses, visitors, and commuters every step of the way. We will be here for you all the way through design and construction and into operations. Feel free to contact us at any time!
Contact us
Monica Van der Vieren,Community Services Lead Monica.VanDerVieren@kingcounty.gov, 206-477-5502 Visit us at kingcounty.gov/SammamishPlateauDiversion
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206-477-5371 or TTY relay: 711
Translation and interpretation services available at no cost.
Formatos Alternativos Disponibles
206-477-5371 o retransmisión TTY: 711
Servicios de traducción e interpretación disponibles sin ningún costo.