Heathfield Pipe Repair and Environmental Restoration - 8/30 Update


Heathfield Pipe Repair and Environmental Restoration

Aug. 30 Update

King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is contacting you to provide an update on the emergency repair work at the Heathfield Pump Station and the environmental restoration in surrounding areas. You may unsubscribe from these emails at any time.

The following is a summary of our activities to date and an update on what to expect in the next week.

New webpage

We will continue to share updates via email with the community weekly. Once updates have been sent via email, they will be posted to our new webpage at kingcounty.gov/heathfield-pipeline-repair. You will also find past updates on the page.

Pipe repairs at the Heathfield Pump Station

Activities completed the week of Aug. 26:

King County’s contractor mobilized on Monday, Aug. 26, to replace an additional 100 feet of ductile iron pipe behind the pump station. Crews began excavating, trenching, and assessing the existing pipe. On Wednesday, crews drained the pipe and began removing and replacing the damaged section (see image below).

Crew members in personal protective equipment stands in the bottom of the trench between segments of excavated pipe.

King County staff prepare to install the replacement pipe.

Activities planned for the week of Sept. 2:

The contractor will continue the same work activities next week outside the pump station. This phase of the repair work is expected to take approximately 2-3 weeks.

What to expect for near neighbors:

  • Permitted work hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    • There is no work planned on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 2.
    • Crews will typically work 8-hour shifts within the permitted work window but may work longer if needed.
  • Noise and vibrations typical of an active construction project.
  • Street parking restrictions near the pump station.
  • The contractor may use flaggers to help direct deliveries to the pump station property and direct traffic, as needed.
  • Emergency vehicle access will be maintained.
  • Garbage, recycling, composting, mail, and delivery service will be maintained.

Vasa (aka Squibbs) Creek

King County is continuing to coordinate with the City of Bellevue, Department of Ecology, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to assess the need and scope for further creek cleanup and restoration activities.

Over the last couple of weeks, our team has regularly visited the creek to document conditions following the overflow and subsequent rain events, and to document neighbors’ concerns.

The County’s Environmental Services Unit is partnering with the King County Environmental Lab to implement a stream sediment sampling plan. The results of the sampling effort will help to inform next steps.

We expect to collect samples at select locations in the first two weeks of September starting on Sept. 3. This sampling timeline follows the recommendations of the Environmental Lab team.

We ask that the public continue to avoid contact with the creek until further sampling and investigation activities have been completed.

Stormwater Vault Cleanup

We are continuing to work with the City of Bellevue to determine if further cleanup is needed. We will keep you updated as we know more.

Satellite image map showing location of stormwater vault in neighborhood

Public information and outreach

We are grateful for community members who have shared information and connected us with their neighbors who may want more information.

To find out more about ongoing construction activities and restoration efforts, please visit: kingcounty.gov/heathfield-pipeline-repair and sign up for email or text alerts.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not approach workers onsite, for your safety and the safety of the crew. Instead, call the Community Services hotline at (206) 296-7432 and leave a message. Someone will return your call as soon as possible.