Update: Heathfield Pump Station Wastewater Overflow Response in Bellevue
King County, Washington sent this bulletin at 08/18/2024 10:58 AM PDT
Heathfield Pump Station Wastewater Overflow ResponseAug. 17, 2024 UpdateKing County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is contacting you to provide an update on our wastewater overflow response at the Heathfield Pump Station. You may unsubscribe from these emails at any time. On August 15, 2024, crews were conducting maintenance at the Heathfield Pump Station in Bellevue. During the maintenance work, a check valve suddenly closed and caused over pressurization and rupture of one of two force main pipes, sending wastewater into Squibbs Creek (also known as Vasa Creek) and Lake Sammamish. (A force main is a pressurized sewer pipe that typically uses pump(s) to move wastewater uphill.) Posted areas along Squibbs Creek and the beach at Vasa Park Resort on private property remain closed and the public should stay out of those areas. (See map below.) The following is a summary of our response activities to date. We will continue to keep the community, jurisdictions, and agencies up to date. Pipe repair and cleanupCounty crews and contractors quickly mobilized to restore operations at the Heathfield Pump Station while repairing an affected pipe outside the facility. Wastewater flows were transferred to the second force main pipe on Thursday, August 15, with operations fully restored as repairs to the system got underway and continue through this weekend. On Friday, the County’s contractor excavated to expose the damaged area of pipe. A replacement segment of pipe will be installed today. Work will continue in the coming week with pipe testing and restoration activities. Cleanup activities began on Thursday and continued into Friday in the neighborhood around the pump station. King County’s contractor removed debris and washed sidewalk and street surfaces. We are assessing the need for additional cleanup. Environmental responseKing County’s Environmental Lab responded to the site to initiate water quality monitoring on Thursday. Public Health – Seattle & King County was notified and provided direction on sampling and public notification. Water quality monitoring will continue until water testing confirms the water is safe. Our environmental planners visually surveyed potentially affected areas including Squibbs Creek. We appreciate the cooperation of residents who allowed access to the creek for survey purposes. Notification has been provided to the state Department of Ecology. Plans will be developed as needed to address any impacts. Public notification and outreachInitial outreach activities focused on the immediately affected areas. WTD’s Community Services team has reached many people in the neighborhood around the Heathfield Pump Station and along Squibbs Creek. Notices of the spill with caution about coming into contact with area waters were delivered to 250 households north and southeast of Vasa Park. We are grateful for community members who have shared information and connected us with their neighbors who may not have been home and others who live outside the immediately affected area. In order to expand outreach, we have issued a news release and have also distributed information through the City of Bellevue. We are continuing to provide updates and respond to questions and concerns. People may call the Community Services hotline at 206-296-7432 and leave a message. We will return your call as soon as possible. We appreciate the community’s cooperation as we address this unanticipated incident at the Heathfield Pump Station. We are committed to keeping the community informed. Please share this information with your neighbors and interested people. Impacted areaThis map shows the area impacted by the sewer overflow from Aug. 15. Please avoid contact with water along Squibbs/Vasa Creek and in the red-shaded area of Lake Sammamish. |