King County Council Update: Proposal to re-structure the KCRHA

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King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn

Your Weekly Update on What's Happening at the King County Council  

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Five years ago, when the controversial King County Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA) was initially formed, I wrote an Op-Ed in the Seattle Times urging that elected officials shouldn’t pass the task of fighting homelessness to an unelected body that has no accountability to taxpayers. Since then, I have continued to argue that the KCRHA’s very structure has doomed it to fail and that elected leaders need to be in charge of making decisions about homelessness policy.

I am pleased that this week, Executive Constantine and Seattle Mayor Harrell proposed re-structuring the KCRHA so that elected officials hold more power than unelected homelessness activists on its Governing Board. (You can read more about their proposal at the Seattle Times.) Though this in no way guarantees that the KCRHA will bring new successes to reducing the amount of homelessness in our region, it is an absolutely necessary step to bring accountability to the government agency, which has been rife with controversy and ineffective in reducing homelessness. I am cautiously hopeful that a new governing structure could empower elected officials to efficiently implement policies that address homelessness and earn the confidence of regional partners and taxpayers alike.

The Seattle City Council and King County Council are expected to consider and vote on the proposed changes to the KCRHA in September. I will keep you updated as the proposal moves through Council.

All my best,

Councilmember Reagan Dunn Signature

Reagan Dunn
King County Councilmember
District 9