King County Council Update: Dunn's proposal in support of keeping juvenile detention facility open moves to full Council

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King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn

Your Weekly Update on What's Happening at the King County Council  

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I am pleased to report some positive news from this week! At Wednesday's Law and Justice Committee meeting, the committee approved without recommendation my motion that would state the intent of the King County Council to keep the county's juvenile detention facility open and operating secure detention. My proposal combats a push by activists to close the juvenile jail and instead house violent juvenile offenders in houses across King County—without locks on their doors. 

Not only would scattering violent juvenile offenders—including those who have committed horrific crimes such as murder and rape—across neighborhoods in King County, and behind unlocked doors, be disastrous, but I maintain it is simply unrealistic. Yet, the longer we entertain the idea, the longer our current juvenile detention facility struggles with low staffing levels and mounting overtime costs that result in fewer programs and rehabilitative services for the juveniles being held there. We cannot afford to let our juvenile detention facility continue to decline for a minimum of 4 more years while the county seeks a pathway to end secure juvenile detention, even for the most dangerous offenders. To learn more about the background of this issue, check out this KOMO News article and video

With this week's committee vote, my proposal will now head to the full King County Council for further discussion. Since the Council will soon be in recess, it may take a few weeks to appear on an agenda, but I will keep you informed of when it is scheduled and of further opportunities to provide public testimony. 

All my best,

Councilmember Reagan Dunn Signature

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