King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn with Enumclaw Mayor Jan Molinaro and Enumclaw Plateau Farmers' Market board members
While I was in the Enumclaw Plateau area this week, I stopped by to visit with Mayor Jan Molinaro and leadership of the Enumclaw Plateau Farmers' Market and drop off a check for a King County $10,000 grant. The Enumclaw Plateau Farmers' Market features Plateau farmers while providing access to fresh, healthy food choices and supporting the local economy. I am proud to support them!
Last May, following a tragic fatal car crash that rocked the Fairwood community, I introduced legislation to study options for improving road safety on 140th Ave SE in Fairwood. This legislation would take a comprehensive look at ideas from the community for improving road safety—such as roundabouts, cameras, and increased traffic enforcement—so that together we can act to protect our community from dangerous driving.
I am happy to report that this legislation has cleared its first hurdle, as it was unanimously approved in the Local Services and Land Use Committee this week. Thank you to all from the Fairwood community who attended the meeting and provided public testimony!
I am also pleased to share that 2023-24 supplemental budget, which the Council approved this week, included my budget request of $75,000 for additional traffic patrols in the Fairwood community. With this funding, Fairwood will soon see more enforcement along roadways of concern!

Big Backyard Movie showing of Wonka – Saturday, July 20th at Ravensdale Park - Seating opens at 8 PM, move starts at 9:20 PM Come and enjoy a free Big Backyard movie with friends, family, and neighbors in one of King County’s Parks! Bring picnic blankets and low beach chairs and watch a blockbuster on a 40’ inflatable screen under the stars.
Big Backyard Movie showing of Barbie – Saturday, July 27th at Petrovitsky Park - Seating opens at 8 PM, move starts at 9:20 PM Come and enjoy a free Big Backyard movie with friends, family, and neighbors in one of King County’s Parks! Bring picnic blankets and low beach chairs and watch a blockbuster on a 40’ inflatable screen under the stars.
 Ballots have been mailed out for the August 2024 Primary Election! You should receive your ballot by this weekend. If you don't see your ballot by Monday, July 22, call King County Elections at 206-296-VOTE (8683).
Ballot drop boxes are open as of today! King County Elections is anticipating a 40% turnout for this election. Don't forget to return your ballot before 8 PM on Tuesday, August 6th! Find a drop box near you and find more information about what's on your ballot.
 Healthy and Safe Environments RFP
This funding opportunity will support work on healthy and safe environments in four investment areas: (1) Healthy food and food access; (2) Physical activity; (3) Unhealthy substances and dangerous products; and (4) Safe and health-promoting environments. There is a total of $2.9 million in funding available.
Applications are due Tuesday, July 23rd by 2 PM. For more details, please visit the grant website here, or if you have questions, please email Phillip Thompson at phithompson@kingcounty.gov or (206) 477-8939.
VSHSL Senior Villages Funding
The Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy (VSHSL) team seeks to fund the ongoing development and operations of geographically based or culturally affiliated Senior Villages, or organizations like Senior Villages, to support diverse and low-income Seniors to age well in their communities of choice and remain stably housed. There is approximately $2.3 million in funding available.
Applications are due Tuesday, July 30th by 2 PM. For more details, please visit the grant website here, or if you have questions, please email Claudine Wallace at cwallace@kingcounty.gov or 206-477-5157.