June 2024
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Planning progresses for Mouth of Duwamish Wet Weather Facilities
King County Wastewater Treatment Division is progressing plans to control pollution from five combined sewer overflow (CSO) outfalls in the area of the mouth of the Duwamish River. We are excited to share more information about our efforts to identify a solution in the SODO neighborhood.
What’s happening now
Currently, we are studying ways to control CSOs and meet regulatory and environmental requirements. This work will continue from now until fall 2025.
We started by reviewing many options to reduce pollution to the Duwamish River and Elliott Bay on rainy days. Now we are working to narrow options to identify the best solution. Most remaining options include a combination of the following methods, and each will include new facilities, like storage tanks, tunnels, pipes, or treatment stations.
Store it: Build underground tanks, tunnels, or pipes to store flows
Treat it: Build treatment stations to treat flows that are too large to store
Move it: Build new pipelines or increasing the size of existing pipes
Options may include facilities that are above ground, below ground, or a combination of both. For any option, we will need to purchase property for a facility in the SODO area. This could range from approximately four to eight acres, depending on the option. We may also need to acquire permanent and temporary easements for pipelines, outfalls, and other system needs.
These options will control about 430 million gallons per year of combined wastewater and stormwater. That is the same amount as up to 280 Olympic-sized swimming pools!
Learn more and share your thoughts by participating in one of the activities below!
Browse our online open house
Visit our online open house using the button below to explore information about our efforts to identify the best solution for this project and take our survey. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your insights about the SODO community!
Attend a virtual public meeting
Register for one of our upcoming virtual public meetings to hear an update on project progress and share questions with the King County team.
- Tuesday, June 18, from noon to 1 p.m.
- Thursday, June 27, from 9 to 10 a.m.
Meet us in the SODO community
Over the summer, we will attend community events in the SODO and Georgetown neighborhoods to meet you where you are. Find our team at one of the community events below!
What’s next?
Between now and early 2025, we will narrow our options and select the best solution to reduce CSOs at the five Mouth of Duwamish outfalls. We will move into design, and then construction, following the selection of the best solution.
We are dedicated to listening to the community’s needs.
As we progress through planning, design, and construction, we will continue to provide opportunities for you to ask questions and share thoughts and concerns.
Can’t make it to one of our virtual or in-person events? Contact Bibiana Ocheke-Ameh at Bibiana.Ocheke-Ameh@kingcounty.gov or (206) 477-5604 with questions or to request a briefing for your organization.
Interpretation and translation services are available to you at no cost. If you need them please contact Bibiana Ocheke-Ameh, Bibiana.Ocheke-Ameh@kingcounty.gov, (206) 477-5604
Los servicios de interpretación y traducción están disponibles para usted sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, comuníquese con Bibiana Ocheke-Ameh, Bibiana.Ocheke-Ameh@kingcounty.gov, (206) 477-5604
免費為您提供口譯和筆譯服務。如果您需要這些服 務,請聯絡 Bibiana Ocheke-Ameh, Bibiana.Ocheke-Ameh@kingcounty.gov, (206) 477-5604
免费为您提供口译和笔译服务。如果您需要这些服 务,请联络 Bibiana Ocheke-Ameh, Bibiana.Ocheke-Ameh@kingcounty.gov, (206) 477-5604
Dịch vụ thông dịch và biên dịch được cung cấp miễn phí cho quý vị. Nếu quý vị cần những dịch vụ này, xin vui lòng liên hệ với Bibiana Ocheke-Ameh, Bibiana.Ocheke-Ameh@kingcounty.gov, (206) 477-5604
សេវាបកប្រែនិងបកប្រែអាចរកបានសម្រាប់អ្នកគ្មានការចំណាយ។ បើត្រូវការគេសូមទំនាក់ទំនងមកកាន់ Bibiana Ocheke-Ameh, Bibiana.Ocheke-Ameh@kingcounty.gov, (206) 477-5604
Alternative Formats Available: 206-477-5371 or TTY Relay: 711