Updates on the Elliott West Wet Weather Treatment Station upgrade

Elliott West Wet Weather Station Upgrade masthead stating protecting our waters, doing our part on rainy days.

May 2024

Project Update

King County's Elliott West Wet Weather Treatment Station (EWWTS) upgrade project team continues to work on project design elements. This facility upgrade will meet stricter environmental standards.

Aerial view of Elliott West facility.

We’ve updated the project website to include the findings of last year’s community values survey, and we look forward to hearing more from you as the project continues. 

Learn more about our design progress

Our team is currently preparing a draft engineering report, which describes the approach, technology, and the schedule for how King County will upgrade EWWTS. This report will be sent to the Department of Ecology for review in summer 2024. 

We look forward to sharing our plans with the community soon. In the next few months, we will be asking for feedback on elements of the project design. If you were forwarded this email, consider signing up for updates to stay in the loop on this project. Engaged communities help us provide quality service and make our projects better.

Discover nearby projects

Our team is also coordinating with other projects in the area. One of these projects is the Elliott Bay Connections project, which will impact the Elliott Bay waterfront area to the west of the EWWTS facility. 

Aerial view of Myrtle Edwards Park.

Elliott Bay Connections (EBC) will create a pedestrian and bicycle greenway trail that connects Seattle’s Waterfront Park to the Olympic Sculpture Park. It will also revitalize Myrtle Edwards and Centennial parks, including adding and restoring park amenities and green space. The EBC team is currently seeking input on their project designs. 

Click here to take the EBC survey

The survey is open through June 9, 2024. To receive the latest EBC updates, join the EBC mailing list.