UPDATE: Paving on lower section of 90th Place Southeast and 89th Place Southeast planned for May 28 and 29
Expect limited access 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. during paving
We previously communicated that grinding and paving along 90th Pl S.E. would take place on May 8 and 9. This schedule has changed. As early as Tuesday May 28 and Wednesday May 29, crews will prepare and pave the lower section of 90th Pl S.E. and 89th Pl S.E. on northeast Mercer Island. This will return the road to condition as good or better than before construction began. |
Crews will remove asphalt and prepare the roadway for paving. This will include demoing asphalt driveway approaches that have been impacted by construction. During this work, residents will be able to drive to and from their homes. Please drive carefully over rough pavement and follow all instructions from crews. |
Paving to restore roadway planned for May 29: Crews will start paving on 89th Pl S.E. before moving down the hill towards the bottom of 90th Pl S.E. and Shorewood Drive. We anticipate that paving should take approximately one day to complete. However, some paving activities are weather dependent. |
Once crews begin paving, they cannot stop or allow cars to drive through the work area. During work hours on May 29, all driveways on 90th Pl S.E. and 89th Pl S.E. will be temporarily inaccessible.
Crews are holding parking spots for neighbors along Shorewood Drive. Neighbors who will need to use their cars should move them by 7 a.m. Crews will walk neighbors up and down the street to cars and homes.
If you have access requests or would like assistance finding parking during paving activities, please contact the Community Services team at 425-305-3578 or NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov, or speak to crews onsite.
To help our team coordinate parking, please place a paper with your phone number on the dash of your car so we can contact you if needed.
Following paving, remaining construction includes landscape restoration and work on our underground structures within the cul-de-sac. Impacts to near neighbors will be intermittent. |
What to expect
All work will be performed in the public right-of-way.
We will not access private property unless we have a signed agreement.
Emergency vehicle access will be maintained.
Permitted work hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday.
Work outside these hours will be done as approved by the City of Mercer Island.
There will be noise, dust, and vibrations typical of an active construction project. Grinding and paving may cause additional vibration.
Garbage, recycling, composting, mail, and delivery service will be maintained.
Learn more about this project