Training announcements (including "Cybersecurity for Water and Wastewater", "Floodplain Management", and ICS-400)

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Note: There was a problem with the newsletter that went out on April 16th.  GovDelivery tech support is still trying to determine why the newsletter was removed from some people’s email accounts, but not other people’s.  This newsletter contains both the information from April 16th AND new information.  My apologies in advance for any duplication you may be seeing.


Eleven announcements for today (There is no fee to attend any of these classes or webinars):

  • (NEW) Community Preparedness for Cyber Incidents (MGT-384) class on August 13-14, at the King County EOC in Renton, (jump to details).
  • (NEW) ICS-400: Advanced ICS for Complex Incidents class on July 11-12, at the King County EOC in Renton (jump to details).
  • (NEW) Cybersecurity Guidance for Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems webinar on May 21 (10:00-11:00 PDT) (jump to details).
  • Managing Public, Private and NGO Partnerships to Prepare for and Solve Critical Logistics and Supply Chain Challenges During Large Scale Disasters (MGT489) class on May 29-20, at the King County EOC in Renton (jump to details).
  • (NEW) Water & Wastewater Sector Cyber Incident Response webinar on June 18 (9:00-10:00 PDT) (jump to details).

The following were all announced for the first time on April 16th:

  • ICS-300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents class on June 4-6, at the Mercer Island Community & Event Center, (jump to details).
  • WebEOC class (King County jurisdictions only) on June 18th (10:00 to 11:30 AM), via Zoom, (jump to details).
  • Campus Emergencies Prevention, Response, and Recovery (MGT-324) class on July 9-10, at the King County EOC in Renton (jump to details).
  • Managing Floodplain Development through the National Flood Insurance Program (L0273) class on July 15-18, at the King County EOC in Renton, (jump to details).
  • G2300: Intermediate Emergency Operations Center Functions class on July 24-26, at the King County EOC in Renton, (jump to details).
  • Receive a weekly notification of newly announced classes (opt-in), (jump to details).

Full details below.


1) Do you need to help your Department (or Jurisdiction) prepare for cyber attacks and incidents? King County OEM is bringing TEEX’s Preparing for Cyber Attacks and Incidents (MGT-384) class to our EOC in Renton on August 13-14.  During this two-day, IN-PERSON class, the participants will

  • Analyze cyber threats, and vulnerabilities,
  • Explore initial and cascading impacts of cyber attacks and incidents,
  • Evaluate the process for developing a cyber preparedness program,
  • Examine the importance and challenges of cyber related information sharing, and
  • Discover low- to no-cost resources to help build cyber resilience.

The target audience includes:

  • Emergency Management
  • Information Technology
  • Risk Management / Emergency Planning / Continuity Planning / Disaster Recovery
  • Public Works / Water and Wastewater organizations
  • Schools / Universities
  • Communication Sector
  • Transportation
  • Energy
  • Defense / Industrial Base Sector
  • Elected and Appointed Officials
  • Financial Sector
  • Health Care
  • Emergency Services

Here is the registration site:


2) KCOEM will have an in-person ICS-400: Advanced ICS for Complex Incidents class on July 11-12, at King County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Renton.  This course reinforces information covered in the ICS-100 through ICS-300 courses, and discusses several new topics, including Area Command, and modifications to the standard ICS organizational structure that might be helpful during Complex Incidents.  NOTE: We (and FEMA) recommend you do *NOT* take this class until at least 3-6 months (or more) since your ICS-300 class (because a good portion of the material in ICS-400 is a review of ICS-300).  If you need this class as part of a recertification process, you are welcome to attend sooner than that.  Please reach out to me at if you have any questions or would like additional clarification.

Here is the registration site:


3) EPA’s Office of Water will host a free webinar (via Zoom), entitled: “Cybersecurity Guidance for Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems.” On May 21st, from 10:00-11:00 PDT. This webinar will highlight and discuss the latest cybersecurity-based guidance products under development by WICRD to enhance cyber resiliency and cybersecurity in the water and wastewater sector. Additionally, time will be reserved to answer any questions attendees may have.

Here is the registration site:


4) We still have room for *more* folks at our in-person offering of “Managing Public, Private and NGO Partnerships to Prepare for and Solve Critical Logistics and Supply Chain Challenges During Large Scale Disasters(MGT489). 

This class is for people who would have a role dealing with supply chain challenges during large scale disasters.  The class will be May 29-30 at King County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Renton. Our Private-sector logistics and supply chain stakeholders are especially encouraged to attend.

The course provides a practical approach for participants to develop and incorporate collaborative public-private solutions into disaster preparedness planning for both the public- and private-sector to ensure and support disaster resilience in the Supply Chain and address the Food, Water, and Sheltering lifelines.

The audience for the course is Private-sector and Public-sector logistics and supply chain stakeholders; Federal, Tribal, State, and Local leadership and management; Emergency Management personnel and logistics and planning staff; Non-profits and planning organization representatives; Private sector organizations and associations.

The attached PDF has more details about the class.  (Note: The registration process is a bit involved, so please follow the registration instructions on the *second* PDF.  If you run into any issues with the registration process, please reach out to Jake Hancock (the course Administrator) at or myself at .


5) The Department of Homeland Security’s “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency” (CISA)  is hosting the Water & Wastewater Sector Cyber Incident Response webinar on June 18 (9:00-10:00 PDT).  This webinar will review the Water and Wastewater Sector Cybersecurity Toolkit, including the Incident Response Guide, which outlines how water utility owners and operators can expect to work with federal partners as they prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the impact of a cyber incident.

Here is the registration site:


6) KCOEM will have an in-person ICS-300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents class on June 4-6, at the Mercer Island Community & Event Center.  The ICS-300 course is intended for people that may play a larger role on an incident (in either a supervisory or supporting role).  There is a lot more opportunity to get hands-on practice with many of the ICS concepts, as well as having a live instructor that can clarify (or correct) any misunderstandings that people may have from their IS-100 and IS-200 classes.

Here is the registration site:


7) The next session of KCOEM’s quarterly training session (via Zoom) regarding how to use WebEOC will be on June 18th, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. This session is for WebEOC users from *any* jurisdiction inside **King County** that is currently using WebEOC. This class is intended for both new users, and existing users who would like some refresher training.

(Note: The City of Seattle's implementation of WebEOC is slightly different than the system we are teaching in this class. If you have an account on the City of Seattle's WebEOC system, please reach out to the person that set up your account to find out what your training options are.)

Here is the link to the registration site:


8) King County OEM had so much good feedback from our offering of Campus Emergencies Prevention, Response, and Recovery (MGT-324) last year that we wanted to bring another opportunity for everyone. We will have an in-person offering of this course on July 9-10 at our Emergency Operations Center in Renton.  The goal of this course is to assist the campus community and their neighboring jurisdiction in developing the necessary decision-making skills to prevent, protect, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from an active shooter situation or other campus emergency.

Note: There are two prerequisites:

  • Participants must be a US Citizen, Permanent US Resident Alien, or Green Card Holder. All other applicants must be approved by DHS to participate in the training. This process takes several weeks. (If you have *any* questions or concerns about this, please contact me at and I will help you.)

Here is the registration site:  You will also need this Access Code: NCBRT324


9) Do you have a floodplain in your jurisdiction?  If so, this class could be beneficial for *many* different job categories in your organization (see below)… King County OEM is bringing FEMA’s  Managing Floodplain Development through the National Flood Insurance Program (L0273) class to our EOC in Renton on July 15-18.  This four-day, IN-PERSON class will focus on the NFIP and concepts of floodplain management, maps and studies, ordinance administration, and the relationship between floodplain management and flood insurance.

Please share this with others in your organization that are part of the target audience, which includes floodplain management administrators, building inspectors, code enforcement / zoning officers, planners, city / county managers, attorneys, engineers, and public works officials. Federal / state / regional floodplain managers also are encouraged to attend.

Here is the registration site:


10) Do you have a role in an EOC?  Have you completed the G2300: Intermediate Emergency Operations Center Functions class?  We will be offering it on July 24-26, at the King County EOC in Renton.

This course provides additional insight into:

  • What some of the planning, operational and resourcing functions of the EOC are,
  • How EOC activation levels, staffing, resources and information requirements might change for an expanding incident, and
  • The role of an EOC during the transition to recovery

Here is the registration site:


11) Do you have an interest in receiving a *weekly* digest of *ALL* the classes and exercises we hear about?  We have created an OPT-IN mailing list for anyone that is interested in this information.  Every Monday morning, we will send out an email with a PDF of just the new information we received in the past week, as well as a spreadsheet that shows where those new classes and exercises fit in with all the other information we have shared in the past. 

Note: We will also be sharing this information with the people on this distribution list (as attachments to our normal updates), but not on a weekly basis.

To also opt-in to the weekly list, use the link at the bottom of the attached PDF.


See the attached PDF for training announcements we received since April 16th.  The Excel file is a complete list *all* upcoming training we are aware of.  (This full list of classes has several remote-access classes that may be of interest to folks, including:

  • Volunteer and Donations Management (K0289),
  • Debris Management Planning for State, Tribal, Territorial, and Local Officials (K0202)
  • Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program Manager (K0427),
  • Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Train-the-Trainer (K0428), and


Thank you for reading to the end!


Eric O’Brien
Training Program Manager
King County Emergency Management
Desk:  206-205-4072