South King County Updates April 2024

Upthegrove 2023 Header

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Spring has arrived and I hope you are able to get outdoors and enjoy our warmer weather! In this newsletter, you’ll find the latest Council news as well as County funding and engagement opportunities.

Protecting Legacy Forests

There is a growing recognition that older, mature growth forests play an incredibly important role in storing carbon and greenhouse gases associated with climate change.

Earlier this month, the King County Superior Court halted the Wishbone Timber Sale, which would have resulted in the sale and logging of just over 100-acres of legacy forest in the Tolt and Snoqualmie River Basins. 

I am proud to have stood with the majority of my King County Council colleagues in opposing the Wishbone Timber sale and I applaud the court for recognizing the need for an honest accounting of the carbon impacts of logging activities on public lands.

At the end of the day, we need to end the destruction of our mature legacy forests. They make up a tiny part of our public forest lands but have an outsize impact on our climate. 

See KUOW's report on this story HERE

Legacy forest image

New Commissioner on the Valley Medical Board

Earlier this month, at the King County Council, I had the pleasure of swearing in Ricardo "Rick" Polintan for a vacant position on the Valley Medical Board of Commissioners.

I have known Rick for years and I have great confidence he will reflect the needs and values of the diverse population in South King County. His strong commitment to quality patient care and to the employees who provide it will be an asset to the Board.

Thank you Rick for agreeing to serve!

Swearing in of Rick Polintan

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

The King County Council proclaimed April 2024 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month, bringing attention to the pervasive problem that is sexual assault.

King County is continuing to take action to stand with survivors, prevent sexual violence, and make our community safer for all.

Proclamation of Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Update on VSHSL Supports for Seniors

In August of 2023, King County voters approved the renewed Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy (VSHSL) which provides services that help improve the health and well-being of the County's most vulnerable communities - veterans, military service members and their families, seniors and their caregivers, and other vulnerable community members. 

The County’s Department of Community and Human Services has been working hard to host a series of community planning sessions—to hear about the community’s goals for each of the strategies included in the initiative – and roll out the competitive process that is used to fund potential organizations. This process is called a request for proposals (RFP) and a recent RFP that will support our senior centers recently closed.

Organizations that serve seniors and that met the eligibility criteria were able to apply to be a part of the King County Senior Network. This network supports more inclusive and vibrant centers that serve as an access point to critical services for all the diverse seniors and their caregivers in our community. Additionally, centers were able to apply for supplemental funding to support projects such as facility improvements to help reduce their carbon footprint, supporting one of the County environmental goals and improving the health and wellbeing of the center and its clients. 

You can checkout the implementation plan and the open funding opportunities by visiting DCHS’s website or subscribing to DCHS’s blog. 

King County Parks Wants to Hear from You!

Join King County Parks for a virtual community meeting to learn more about the King County Parks levy and share your thoughts on what should be in the upcoming 2026-2031 Parks Levy to improve the parks and outdoor spaces in your community. 

If you are unable to join the community meeting, KC Parks also has an online community survey where you can voice your thoughts!

Tuesday, April 23, 6-7 p.m.

Register for April 23rd HERE (Registration is required)

Complete the community survey by April 29, 2024 HERE

King County Park Virtual Community Meeting Flyer

Flood Reduction Grants Application Now Available! 

Applications are now open for the King County Flood Control District's grant program that addresses flooding associated with urban streams, coastal erosion/coastal flooding and culvert replacement/fish passage as well as general flood reduction issues. 

The Flood Reduction grants will continue to target medium and small local flood reduction projects including projects where the control of stormwater will have a direct benefit in reducing flooding. 

An online, informational meeting will be held through Zoom on April 23rd from 2:00pm-3:00pm (Spanish interpretation will be provided)

Register for the informational session online HERE

➔ For more information visit THIS LINK

➔ Flood reduction grant application due May 31st, 2024

Flood reduction grants umbrella graphic

King County Metro Wants to Hear from You! 

Do you live, work or travel throughout South King County?

As soon as 2026, Sound Transit will open 3 new light rail stations in Kent/Des Moines, Star Lake, and Federal Way and they want to hear from you on how to best adapt bus routes once the stations open!

Take the survey at THIS LINK

Apply to the Mobility Board HERE (applications due by May 10)

Visit South Link Connections to learn more

South King County Light Rail map

VSHSL Support Service for Immigrants and Refugees Funding Opportunity

The King County Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) is pleased to release this Request for Proposals (RFP) for Support Services for Immigrants and Refugees with funding from the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy (VSHSL).

VSHSL seeks to improve access to civil legal advice, civic engagement, and resources for immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers residing in King County.

Available funding: Up to $3,309,037 in VSHSL funds

Questions? Contact Frank Video at 

Applications due: April 25, 2024 by 2:00pm

Apply via THIS LINK

VSHSL Immigrants and Refugees RFP

Congratulations to these D5 Organizations!

South King County is home to many non-profits doing amazing work in the community and I am always excited when I see that they have applied for - and received - funding support from King County. 

Here are just a few recent highlights:

Granted Participation in the Best Starts for Kids P-5 Community-Designed Program Development Workshop Series

➔ Adult and Youth Learning Center - Developing a new program for East African families to establish a secure environment that fosters a sense of belonging for children and parents, facilitating joint learning, play and reading experiences. 

➔ Crece Comingo - In early phases of providing trainings to Spanish speaking early childhood educators and parents mainly focused on early childhood mental health, children with complex needs, trauma-informed care, and bilingual education. 

➔ The Arc of King County - Developing an 8-session series providing parents with a child recently diagnosed with an intellectual/developmental disability the space to explore their fears, learn about developmental disability in a disability positive framework and begin to understand the system. Learn more about their work HERE

Awarded the Best Starts for Kids’ Promoting First Relationships strategy

➔ Congolese Integration Network - Learn more about their work HERE

➔ Living Well Kent - Learn more about their work HERE

As always, I value your thoughts, ideas, and input. Please feel welcome to contact me via email at

You can watch Council meetings via livestream on the Council's website or on KCTV channel 22. We take general public comment on the 4th Tuesday of every month.

To learn more about testifying before Council go to:



Dave Upthegrove

King County Councilmember
District 5