King County Council Update: Standing against WSDOT toll rate increases

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King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn

Your Weekly Update on What's Happening at the King County Council  

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Earlier this week, the Washington State Transportation Commission (WSTC) voted to raise tolls on I-405 and SR167 to a maximum of $15 during peak traffic times—a significant increase from the previous maximum toll rates of $10 on I-405 and $9 on SR-167. The WSTC also voted to increase minimum tolls to $1 and extend evening tolling until 8 PM. 


King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn speaks to KOMO News opposing toll rate increases

I appeared on KOMO News to speak against these inflated toll rates, which hurt commuters by making it prohibitively expensive to drive—nearly $8,000 a year for a round trip during rush hour. Everyday people will now be priced out of the toll lanes, pushing more commuters into the general purpose lanes and making traffic worse for everyone, except for the fortunate few who can afford the sky-high toll. 

Working families need better options. I believe that we need more traffic lanes, more accountability metrics for the Washington State Department of Transportation, and an overhaul of our state transportation priorities. 

I will continue to stand against escalating costs for hardworking families across King County. 


Councilmember Reagan Dunn Signature

Reagan Dunn
King County Councilmember
District 9

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