Dear Friends and Neighbors,
This week, I wrote a letter to the Washington State Transportation Commission to push back against their movement toward raising I-405 and SR 167 tolls to $18.
At their Tuesday meeting, the Transportation Commission discussed toll rates up to $18, ultimately voting to study the implementation of rates up to $15. With these inflated toll rates, WSDOT is getting further away from helping the average commuter. Most people can't afford $15 each way daily, much less double or even triple that for commuting across multiple segments. Wealthy commuters will be able to enjoy open toll lanes, but the high cost will push many drivers into the general purpose lanes, making congestion worse for most of us.
Meanwhile, Washington State has the highest priced gas in the nation due to a new gas tax that adds 50 cents per gallon to the price of standard fuel. And even as driving becomes more and more expensive, families across King County are wrestling with tighter budgets.
I am deeply disappointed in the Transportation Commission's vote and will continue to advocate against this astronomical toll increase.
 Reagan Dunn King County Councilmember District 9