Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed Salmon Recovery News

Green/Duwamish/Puget Sound Watershed, WRIA 9
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WRIA 9 Happenings

Duwamish River People’s Park Attracts Salmon to Duwamish River


One year after the opening of Duwamish River People's Park researchers found over 7,000 juvenile chum, almost 250 juvenile natural origin Chinook salmon, over 900 salmonid fish, and robust marsh vegetation that protects fish from predators, improves water quality, and supports a healthy ecosystem. (Photo Credit: Environmental Science Associates (ESA), 2022)

Read the full article.

Chinook Wind Project


King County’s Mitigation Reserves Program transformed run-down buildings in Tukwila into almost six acres of habitat for young salmon. This habitat will help with juvenile salmon transition from freshwater to saltwater on their way to Puget Sound. (Photo Credit: King County)

Read the full article.

King County Conservation Futures Policy Updates

King County Conservation Futures acquisition grants can help governmental agencies and qualified conservation nonprofits buy or preserve open spaces and parks. Grants may help purchase or conserve urban greenspaces, natural areas, forests, community gardens, farms, and trails – including stormwater parks or parks near affordable housing.

King County has announced important policy updates: the required project match has been reduced to 25% of total project costs for future awards; opportunity area projects may qualify for a match waiver. Initial site stabilization costs related to public safety or resource protection are now an eligible cost, such as structure demolition, signage, fencing.

The next Conservation Futures grant round opens November 6, 2023, and applications are due February 12, 2024. Contact with questions.


Treaty Tribes Haul in Chinook Bounty of Seattle’s Elliott Bay

Despite numbers that pale in comparison to historical returns, July surveys revealed what appears to be some of the best Chinook reutrns seen in almost two decades.

Read the full article.

Sustainability Ambassadors Presents 4-Part Green/Duwamish Watershed Curriculum Design Lab

Sustainability Ambassadors is offering their 4-Part, Green Duwamish Watershed Curriculum Design Lab this fall while the salmon are returning home. The series includes sessions on Engineering fish passage at Howard Hanson Dam; Restoring habitat above the dam; and Climate change and water supply forecasting. It is open to secondary teachers in all disciplines plus Non-Formal Environmental Educators. View the website to learn more, register and/or email Peter Donaldson with questions:


Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group wraps up Green Jobs Youth Crew


Mid Sound’s Green Jobs Youth Crew wrapped up 8 weeks of hands-on restoration job training and green jobs education in August! Eight Auburn teens were paid to remove invasive vegetation, learn about green job pathways, and participate in environmental education that promotes watershed health and salmon recovery. The Youth Crew worked four days a week for eight weeks at four Green River riparian restoration sites. They were an incredible group of individuals, and we look forward to keeping in touch to see where their passion and new skills take them! For more information about our Green Jobs Youth Crew, please email

Green River Coalition Volunteer Restoration Work Party


On September 16th we partnered with Orca Conservancy and Unleash the Brilliance to host a volunteer restoration work party at our CWA Site. We removed invasive reed canary grass, which was needed at this site, in preparation for our upcoming planting event in November. We also educated attendees on plant ID, best management practices, and safe tool handling.

Learn more about Green River Coalition.

Upcoming Events

October 14 is annual Orca Recovery Day!

Sign up to join one of the scheduled volunteer events in the Green/Duwamish & Central Puget Sound Watershed! This collaborative effort involves numerous communities and partners coming together across Puget Sound to benefit orca and salmon recovery efforts.

Duwamish Alive! Return of our Salmon


Join us for Duwamish Alive! For a day of collaborative stewardship in celebration of the river's returning salmon -- all 5 salmon species this year including Chinook which are important for the survival of our local orca. This collaborative, volunteer effort across our watershed recognizes that our collective efforts are needed to make lasting, positive improvements in the health and vitality of the Green-Duwamish Watershed. Activities include kayak river cleanup and habitat restoration. Family friendly, all ages welcome.


  • October 21st from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Grant Announcements

Puget Sound Stewardship and Mitigation Fund

The Puget Sound Stewardship and Mitigation Fund’s goal is to mitigate past pollution runoff by supporting community-based efforts to protect or improve the water quality of Puget Sound. They are currently accepting applications for their fall grant round through September 28th. View the webpage for information on eligibility and how to apply.

EPA Seeks Applicants for 2023 Environmental Education Grants

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that up to $3.6 million in funding for locally focused environmental education grants is now available under the 2023 Environmental Education (EE) Local Grant Program. EPA will award grants in each of EPA’s 10 Regions, between $50,000-$100,000 each, for a total of 30-40 grants nationwide. The program includes support for projects that reflect the intersection of environmental issues with climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, preventing future water quality and human health issues, in addition to other environmental topics. Applications are due on November 8, 2023, and the Notice of Funding Opportunities are now posted on the EE Grant Solicitation Notice webpage.

Chinook salmon (also known as king salmon) are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. In WRIA 9, citizens, scientists, businesses, environmental and community organizations, and local, state and federal governments are cooperating on protection and restoration projects and have developed a science-based plan to conserve salmon today and for future generations. Funding for the salmon conservation plan is provided by 17 local governments in the watershed. For more information visit our website at

If you would like to submit an item for inclusion in the next WRIA 9 e-newsletter, please email