Stay informed about the policies we are championing, the progress we are making, and the impact we are creating as we work to serve you better.
Statement on Gun Violence in Our Communities
This has been such a heavy year. I haven’t felt this overwhelmed since starting on the council in 2020 in the depths of a global pandemic. That’s actually what it feels like right now: another pandemic. Except instead of a virus, we're fighting unrelenting gun violence.
This is a full blown crisis. I’ve been to more funerals and candle light vigils for victims of shootings this past year than I can count.
And every day I wake up to even more tragic news: a mass shooting yesterday at a hookah bar killing multiple people including the sister of my staff member; a mass shooting at Safeway in Rainier Beach tearing apart and traumatizing people I work with regularly; killing a father of two while he's driving Uber; assassinating a 17 year old in his apartment in Skyway; murdering a man in his Teriyaki restaurant; shooting Elijah to death while he cradles his 9 year old nephew to protect him.
These are just a fraction of the shootings we've experienced in just the past few months. My team is working 'round the clock to support survivor families -- connecting them to mental health services, legal aid, rental assistance, childcare. The violence has upended everything for them.
We're organizing community safety town halls; securing historic investments in mental health/addiction recovery; supporting youth with after school activities and mentorship; advancing every intervention and prevention strategy we can think of and that neighbors ask us to pursue.
And it’s nowhere near enough. In addition to the impact on victims and their surviving families, one of the most demoralizing parts of all this has been the impact on the people fighting to prevent gun violence. Violence interruptors and service providers like SE Network are being shot at and traumatized; first responders and mental health workers are short staffed and worn down; my staff members are losing family members and their mental health. It’s all too much.
I’m writing this as a spotlight and as a call to action. It’s all hands on deck. The same urgency and coordination I’m seeing from our highest levels of government for forest fires, I’d like to see also for the communities on fire from gun violence. No matter the district or jurisdiction.
We all have a role to play in reducing the violence — every level of government, the private sector, nonprofits, neighbors, teachers, activists, parents, siblings, everyone.That level of accountability comes from YOU, the voters and residents of our state. Elevate the gun violence issue to the level of housing and homelessness. Ask every candidate about it. Email your reps of every level and district today. Support the people and orgs in the trenches.
I’ll be rolling out more thoughts, strategies, ordinances, and budget priorities over the next several months. This is my number 1 priority. I hope everyone reading this will continue to elevate this issue and hold us all accountable to keeping it as the number 1 priority.
Lastly, on a personal level, just want to remind us to hug our loved ones tight and be quick to forgive. The number of good, kind people we’ve lost this year to random acts of violence has been crushing. We never know when
U-District Town Hall
 Join me for a town hall in the U-District on Tuesday, September 12th at 5:30 PM. We're holding this town hall to hear directly from our constituents who live in the U-District, Ravenna, Laurelhurst, and Eastlake. We will be joined by members of King County agencies focused on transportation, public safety, public health, homelessness, and more.
This town hall will take place in room #209 of the University Heights Center, at 5031 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105. We will be holding an additional town hall in the following weeks for Capitol Hill and the Central District. You can RSVP to the town hall at
If you have any questions or would like to request accommodations or translations, please email
Creston Point Community Safety Town Hall
 Creston Point residents, please join us for a community safety town hall to share your concerns and discuss solutions. The town hall will be held at Creston Point Apartments on Thursday, August 24th from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM. I will be there, along with HNN leadership, the King County Sheriff’s office, and other local and state agencies and leadership.
Crisis Care Centers Initiative
 Planning is underway for the voter-approved Crisis Care Centers Initiative! The initiative makes a generational investment in the behavioral health system and will create a countywide network of five crisis care centers, restore the number of mental health residential treatment beds in the region, and bolster the community behavioral health workforce.
The implementation team is convening planning meetings, working with the coalition that helped create the Crisis Care Centers Initiative, and listening to community feedback.
Check out how you can learn more or share your feedback!
Email: Crisis Care Centers Website: Community Information Update Survey:
More Support Coming for Veterans & Seniors
 It's official -- King County voters overwhelmingly voted to renew the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy (VSHSL)! I was proud to be the prime sponsor of this legislation.
Over 71% of King County voters approved the VSHSL, the highest approval rating in the levy’s history. Your vote will allow our region to help people and families transition to affordable housing, get job training, find employment, access emergency financial assistance, obtain domestic violence advocacy, receive behavioral health treatment, and provide other resources and services.
Renewing this existing levy for six more years will allow allow King County to:
- Reduce veteran homelessness–we’ve contributed to a 40% reduction since 2018
- Build the nation’s strongest local veterans program
- Keep seniors in the communities they helped build–the levy keeps tens of thousands of seniors using 39 levy-funded senior centers every year
- Fund services for survivors of domestic violence & sexual assault–8,000+ survivors have received levy-funded assistance
- Fund legal aid for immigrants and refugees and people fighting to keep housing
- Build new affordable housing and operate the more than 1,900 units the levy has previously contributed to
Click here for more details about the VSHSL. Thank you for renewing it!
Raising the Minimum Wage in Unincorporated King County
Our office has drafted legislation to raise the minimum wage in unincorporated King County and plans to introduce it later this summer. While bordering cities like Seattle, Tukwila, and SeaTac have increased their minimum wages above Washington state’s minimum wage of $15.74 per hour, unincorporated King County’s minimum wage remains at the state level.
According to the 2023 National Low Income Housing Coalition’s Out of Reach data, an employee making Washington’s minimum wage of $15.74 per hour would have to work 103 hours each week to afford a modest one-bedroom rental home at fair market rent in King County. In 2022, for a dual-income household of two working adults and two school-aged children living in King County and earning the state’s minimum wage, the family would fall short on average $36,442 to meet the basic needs of the household.
SeaTac and Seattle raised their minimum wages years ago. The vast majority of businesses were able to adjust, and some businesses with concerns about raising the minimum wage ended up expanding. Last fall, Tukwila voted overwhelmingly to raise their minimum wage, too. When people can afford to live and relax in the cities where they work, that spending circulates locally.
A recent study from the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment found that raising the minimum wage causes "large, significant positive employment effects” — in other words, it creates jobs!
According to the Department of Local Services' 2022 Business Survey, an online survey for the unincorporated King County business community, 67% of respondents supported an increase in the minimum wage, with many respondents saying they already paid employees above the minimum wage or that the owner was the only employee and therefore the business would not be affected by a minimum wage increase.
For the one-page infographic on the legislation, please see here. Please stay tuned and we will share an announcement and process for giving us feedback by our next email newsletter once the legislation is introduced.
Stage 2 Burn Ban in King County
 Seattle and King County Fire Marshals in coordination with local jurisdictions have issued a STAGE 2 BURN BAN on all outdoor recreational fires throughout King County. During a Stage 2 burn ban, any outdoor fire such as a backyard fire pit or campfire using chopped firewood or charcoal is prohibited.
Since Memorial Day 2023, Seattle Fire has responded to over 450 bark and brush fires throughout the city. Let’s do all we can to reduce the risk of unintentional fires!
For more info, click here.
Black Business Month
 August is Black Business Month! Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, so check out this list of Black owned small businesses in Seattle and King County:
Fentanyl and Addiction: Help is Available
 The Department of Community and Health Services (DCHS) and Public Health Seattle-King County released the first in a multi-part blog series detailing our response to the current fentanyl crisis and substance use disorder more broadly. Please take a look here at this resource for individuals seeking substance use treatment.
Metro Trip Changes
 King County Metro will increase service reliability with its fall update to transit schedules. The agency currently is delivering 95% of more than 11,200 daily bus trips while facing challenges with canceled trips.
The changes beginning in September will allow riders to have confidence that Metro will be there when promised, no matter where they need to go.
To keep transit services in sync with fleet and workforce availability, Metro will focus upcoming service changes on 20 low-ridership routes. Most (92%) boardings will not be directly affected by these cuts, which will help prevent last-minute cancellations and improve reliability for riders. Learn more at Metro’s blog post here.
From neighborhood gatherings to grassroots initiatives, stay tuned to see how we are working closely with you to address your concerns and bring positive change to our district.
Media Students Visit King County

Last month, students from the Creative Arts Digital Media Academy with Rainier Avenue Radio visited King County! These bright young people toured the King County TV studio before visiting the Council chambers to try passing some legislation.
Thank you Rainier Avenue Radio for bringing the youth to learn about their local government! Check out this video of their visit here. Learn more about Rainier Avenue Radio’s CADMA program here.
Skyway Community Impact Awards

I had the honor of joining the Skyway Coalition and Renton Innovation Zone Partnership (RIZP) for their Skyway Community Impact Awards last weekend. It was a great day of celebrating the amazing work being done in our community by our own neighbors. Thank you to everyone who made this possible!
Skyway Park Takeover
Skyway Park Takeover, a new event organized by West Hill Community Association (WHCA), was held in King County’s Skyway Park on Saturday, August 12, 2023 in partnership with King County Parks.
Continuing in the theme of WHCA’s other themed “Takeover” events, the focus was on activating community space, bringing neighbors together, and creating a fun, free, family-friendly experience for all.
The Skyway Park Takeover featured a variety of activity stations that allowed folks of all ages to jump with the Double Dutch Divas, try out their soccer skills with Skyway United FC, or enjoy some casual lawn games with friends. Free local food, specialty drinks, and ice cream was available to help refuel participants between activities. A vendor alley brought together local organizations with resources, information, and giveaways like free books and helmets for youth. Entertainment was jam-packed into the schedule, from a live marching brass band performance, the return of a crowd-favorite DJ, and appearances by some well-loved mascots and cosplay characters to face-painting and even a wacky dizzy bat race at the end full of costumed characters and local notables.
Share your thoughts, suggestions, and concerns on key issues, as we value your input and believe in the power of collective voices shaping our policies and decisions.
Skyway Community Needs Assessment
 King County Local Services has opened their Community Needs Assessment for unincorporated areas!
The Community Needs Assessment (CNA) survey is your opportunity to tell us how you want to see funding spent and what services you need to see in your community. Does your community have the services it needs? Do you need more summer camps, food banks, or tutoring services? Complete the Community Needs Assessment survey to help plan and prioritize future spending for your neighborhood. Fill out your survey today at
Garfield Super Block Public Art Calls
The Garfield Super Block Coalition (GSB) has two exciting public art opportunities open now, with application deadlines of September 12th!
1) Pillars of Promise
The GSB is seeking seven artists to create seven separate pillars, and one collaborative pillar to tell the stories of the seven ethnic communities that settled in the Central District from 1800 to 1975. The pillars will be fabricated by a third party for the Garfield Super Block site.
Link to call:
2) Reforesting the Central Area
The GSB is seeking an artist to create three separate tree stump designs to be used for seating that will be fabricated by a third party for the site of the Garfield Super Block.
Link to call:
Madison Street Area Bus Service Change Survey

Updated proposals for the 2024 arrival of the RapidRide G Line are out! Take the survey by August 31st to let King County Metro know what you want for transit service on Capitol Hill, First Hill, Central District and the Madison Valley. Survey and more information can be found here:
Lynnwood Link Connections Phase 3 Public Engagement
Phase 3 engagement for the Lynnwood Link Connections is live now!
As Link light rail extends to Lynnwood, the Lynnwood Link Connections mobility project will address changing transit needs and improve mobility options for communities in northwest King County and southwest Snohomish County. Metro is working with Sound Transit and Community Transit, among other partners, to coordinate bus routes based on feedback from communities.
For more info and to fill out the survey, go to
BestStarts KC Health Survey
Best Starts for Kids, a King County voter-approved initiative, is now in its eighth year! Its annual health survey intends to track how well its efforts are doing to improve children’s health in King County.
The survey is currently open through early fall and is available in Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese. They are looking for responses from parents and caregivers with infants through elementary school aged children.
For more info and to fill out the survey, go to
Apply to serve on the King County Citizens’ Election Oversight Committee

The King County Citizens’ Election Oversight Committee (CEOC) is a 16-member committee of volunteers, who have interest or expertise in elections. They produce an annual report to the King County Council on their observations, findings, and recommendations on election-related matters.
The CEOC has the following unfilled positions:
- One representative of the Vietnamese-speaking community. Term ends in Dec 2023, but the successful candidate may be appointed to serve for 3 more years
- One jurisdictional representative from a junior taxing district or city with population under 20,000. Term ends May 2025, but may last an additional 3 years.
Applications requested by Sep 26, 2023. More information can be found here:
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is currently recruiting both coaches and participants for this Fall!
At Girls on the Run, teaching critical life skills is the cornerstone of their research-based programs. Meeting in small teams, trained volunteer coaches inspire girls of all abilities to strengthen confidence and other important life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity. For youth in 3rd – 8th grade, GOTR is for every girl!
Even if you’re not a runner or a 3rd-8th grade girl, you can still get involved! You can start a team or coach for an existing one. GOTR is looking for Black, Latinx, and Indigenous coaches in particular.
Learn more at
2nd Annual Black Vendors Market Back to School Function

The Second Annual Black Vendors Market Back to School Function will be happening on Saturday, August 26th from 12-6pm at 11805 Renton Seattle, WA 98178!
Join for an afternoon of shopping and family fun!
Black 2 School Business Bash
 Enrich your back to school shopping with unique finds from local young Black entrepreneurs aged 4-24! Come by the Black 2 School Business Bash on August 27th from 1-3pm at N2E Plaza, 1925 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98108.
Free Vaccination Events for South King County Students
Free covid vaccination clinics for South King County families with kids ages 4 to 18 will be available this summer and early fall.
Families with healthcare providers are encouraged to make a vaccination appointment with their child’s healthcare provider to receive all school-required vaccines. For families who are uninsured, experiencing homelessness, or recently immigrated and currently without a healthcare provider, children may receive their school-required vaccines for free at the covid vaccination clinics.
Vaccination events are hosted by Go-Vax Kids, HealthPoint, Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic, and Stepping Stone Pediatrics in collaboration with school districts and community-based organizations. Each of these events will provide COVID-19 vaccines and boosters as well as all vaccines required for K-12 school entry, including Tdap, DTaP, MMR, hepatitis B, varicella, and polio. Every child who gets vaccinated at these clinics will receive two free tickets to a Seattle Storm home game, while supplies last.
Please wear short sleeves. Families are strongly encouraged to bring any vaccination records from other states or countries. Interpretation available upon request.
No insurance or proof of citizenship is required. Walk-in or pre-register. For more info, go to:
Free Overdose Prevention and Response Training

The next free Quarterly Overdose Prevention & Response Training happens on Thursday, September 7th, 2023 from 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom. Everyone is welcome! Please register for the zoom at
King County Developmental Disabilities and Delays Annual Legislative Forum
The King County Developmental Disabilities Legislative Forum is an opportunity to educate elected officials on issues that are important to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) or delays and their families, friends, and supporters. This is done through sharing King County's I/DD legislative priorities, and also by having our community members share their personal stories as they relate to the priorities.
The forum will be held on Thursday, November 30th at the DoubleTree Suites, 16500 Southcenter Pkwy, Seattle, WA 98188. The schedule is as follows:
- 6 PM - 7 PM: Connect with Constituents
- 7 PM - 8:30 PM: Forum
- Opening remarks from Executive Constantine’s Office
- King County’s proposed intellectual and developmental disabilities and delays legislative priorities for 2024
- Hear from individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and delays and their family members
- Opportunities for legislators and county councilmembers to share their perspectives and priorities
For more information, visit
Heat Pumps for Skyway Residents

King County’s Energize! program is offering heat pump installations in Skyway & White Center with up to 100% cost-coverage for income-qualified households. Heat pumps provide efficient air conditioning and save energy. Learn more at
4Culture grants for cultural equipment
4Culture is currently offering grants for King County cultural organizations to purchase and install equipment that can be considered as fixed assets, including computer hardware. You can request a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $10,000 for this grant. Applicants often receive partial funding of their request.
The grants are available for King County-based, tax-exempt, nonprofit cultural organizations and public agencies with a primary mission focus on arts, heritage, or preservation. You must have a legally-constituted board of directors, have no ongoing and continual deficits in your operating budget, and have the ability to demonstrate a minimum two-year operating history of offering public benefit to the residents of King County.
For more information and assistance with applying, visit
Brooks Village Direct Negotiation Request for Proposals
King County’s Department of Community services and Department of Executive Services are pleased to announce the posting of the Brooks Village Direct Negotiation Request for Proposals (RFP).
This RFP was developed in response to a two-year community engagement process to identify community needs and priorities for the site known as Brooks Village located in the Skyway-West Hill neighborhood. To view recordings of the community meetings hosted by King County, click here.
This RFP is open to nonprofit organizations, Community-Based Organizations, tribes and tribal organizations and public or governmental agencies serving communities in King County. King County is seeking qualified non-profit developers and/or Community Based organizations with strong ties to the Skyway-West Hill community, to directly negotiate with King County for development and ownership of the Brooks Village site.
For more information on Brooks Village, and to access the RFP, including all application materials and qualifications, please visit the following ZoomGrants program webpage:
The application submission deadline is 9/8/2023 at 2:00 pm.
Please direct all questions about the RFP to the designated RFP Lead, Joanna Armstrong at
Best Starts for Kids Workshops
Best Starts for Kids will be holding a few upcoming workshops for schools and community partners.
1) Designing and Planning a Collaborative Partnership
August 22, 10-11am OR September 14, 10-11am
RSVP for August 22 hereRSVP for Sept. 14 here
Collaborative partners in a school and community partnership context work jointly together on a program or programs towards a shared goal. Partners understand their shared goals, meet regularly, influence each other’s work, have agreements around communication, and collect and review data together. This virtual session will introduce participants to a Partnership Design and Planning Tool designed to guide partners in setting expectations and building a strong foundation for future collaboration. This tool from YDEKC’s School and Community Partnership Toolkit will provide you with a takeaway resource to explore during the workshop and apply after the session in depth.
This workshop is designed for leaders at all levels within schools, school districts, and community-based organizations who are developing or managing partnerships between schools and community-based organizations. It is strongly recommended for people who are pursuing collaborative or integrated partnerships between community-based organizations, schools, or other agencies. Funded by the King County Best Starts for Kids levy, this free session is open to organizations doing work in King County, with an emphasis on supporting King County Best Starts for Kids grantees.
2) Mapping Your School and Community Partnership Ecosystem
August 31, 10-11am OR September 19, 10-11am
RSVP for August 31 here
RSVP for Sept. 19 here
It takes a comprehensive, complementary, and well-coordinated range of programs and services to ensure every child has what they need to learn, grow, and thrive. When community organizations, youth, families, schools, and districts partner to provide these supports in a community, we build our collective capacity for systems change at the same time. If a partnership ecosystem is, “the network of interconnected organizations and adults who provide a system of supports for students,” then who are the people and organizations in your school-community partnership ecosystem, how are they connected, and what are you doing to strengthen individual relationships?
In this interactive virtual session, participants will create a map of the relationships within their ecosystem and identify what types of partnership and collaboration they are engaged in (or aiming for). Our guiding tools from YDEKC’s School and Community Partnership Toolkit will provide you with resources to explore during the workshop and to apply after the session in depth.
This workshop is designed for leaders at all levels within schools, school districts, and community-based organizations who are developing or managing partnerships between schools and community-based organizations and is highly recommended for new partners or people who are new to their role. Funded by the King County Best Starts for Kids levy, this free session is open to organizations doing work in King County, with an emphasis on supporting King County Best Starts for Kids grantees.
Free Summer Meals
United Way of King County is providing free meals to anyone 18 years old and under throughout summer break! There are breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner options. No application, signup, or identification needed.
Go to to find your nearest location.
Heat Safety Guide
This summer is shaping up to be a pretty hot one. According to Public Health — Seattle & King County, here are some tips to keep safe:
- Check on those at risk for heat exhaustion and heat stroke, including the elderly and those with chronic health conditions.
- Do outdoor activities in the morning and evening, when it’s cooler.
- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and limiting or avoiding caffeine and alcohol.
- Never leave infants, children, or pets in a parked car, even if the windows are cracked open.
- Know and watch for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Seek medical care immediately if you experience symptoms. Symptoms include:
- High body temperature (103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher)
- Hot, red, dry, or damp skin
- Fast, strong pulse
- Headache
- Dizziness or confusion
- Nausea
- Check the local weather forecast for heat advisory information.
For more about monitoring for heat-related illness, check out the CDC’s guidelines. They encourage learning the symptoms to be prepared in case of an emergency.
Check out the South Seattle Emerald’s South End Guide for a list of cooling centers and other resources in South Seattle. You can also dial 211 for a complete list of Washington State resources, or search nearby for a cooling center on this website.

Tips for Clean Air Indoors on Smoky Days
Keeping indoor air clean is even more important when the air quality outside is bad. When the Air Quality Index (AQI) is above 150 (or above 100 if you are sensitive to smoke), follow these tips from Public Health - Seattle King County to give your lungs a break.
- When it's smoky outside, stay indoors and keep indoor air as clean as possible
- Wait until the air quality gets better before doing things like vacuuming and sweeping--they stir up dust and allergens
- Frying, broiling, grilling, and baking add to indoor air pollution--cook in other ways on smoky days
- Candles also add pollution--put them away on smoky days
- Clean the air with a HEPA air purifier or make an air cleaner with a box fan, a MERV-13 filter, and duct tape
Stay safe, everyone!