Grant Opportunities Available in February and March!
Do you know of an impactful organization that's looking for funding? Our District 3 Team has just the resources for you!
We have several grant opportunities that are available now and wanted to share them with you. Investing in our local non-profit organizations and supporting innovative ideas through funding is critical to help ensure that each of our communities are able to thrive, now and into the future! The deadline for these grants is in February or March, so make sure you apply soon.
Additionally, we have an opportunity for seniors to get support with property tax payment relief through the Senior Tax Exemption. Click below for more information:
Featured Grant Opportunities
Art Therapy Behavioral Health Pilot Program
Applications are due by 2PM on Wednesday, February 22nd. Apply now at this link.
Details: This funding will be awarded to an agency to support an Art Therapy Behavioral Health Pilot project that works with an ethnically or culturally diverse community. The goal of the pilot project is to explore whether an Art Therapy approach helps to improve cognitive functioning, cultivate emotional resilience, enhance social skills, and/or support recovery. There is a total of $200,000 to be allocated to an organization.
For more details, please visit the grant website here, or if you have questions, please contact Andria Howerton at dchscontracts@kingcounty.gov.
Parks Levy Grant Funding
Applications are due Wednesday, March 15th. Apply now at this link.
Details: The 2020 – 2025 Parks levy allocates approximately $110 million over 6 years to take care of King County's parks and trails, growing and connecting regional open space and natural lands, improving mobility across trail connections, and making parks, green spaces, and recreation more accessible for all! There are several grant opportunities, and below is a general overview of each grant program. Please refer to the program summaries for specific details and requirements:
Aquatic Facilities Grant: This grant program helps communities preserve and increase public access to public pools as our region grows and existing facilities become obsolete or reach capacity. This grant program funds activities related to the renovation or expansion of existing facilities, or construction of new aquatic facilities in King County.
Parks Capital and Open Space Grant: This grant program supports a range of projects that expand and improve recreation opportunities for the region’s growing population, including the development of active and passive recreation and trail facilities, and the acquisition of open space for future public parks.
Open Space - River Corridors Grant: This grant program supports projects that help restore the natural functions of rivers, create or restore public access, and/or increase public awareness of river corridors as valuable natural resources. This grant program incentivizes multi-benefit projects that integrate recreation and habitat restoration with larger floodplain management effort.
Healthy Communities and Parks Fund: This grant fund supports projects that increase access to recreation and use of parks, open spaces, and recreational facilities in underserved areas and communities. This grant program intends to reduce health disparities in various underserved communities and invest in their capacities to meet the unique needs of their residents.
For more details, please visit the grant website here, or reach out with any questions to ParksGrants@kingcounty.gov or 206-848-0699.
Grant and Funding Sources
The following grant opportunities are listed in order of application due date, with the soonest deadline listed first. Any applications that have rolling deadlines are located towards the bottom of the list.
1. Home-Based Services RFP
Applications are due by 5PM on Tuesday, February 21st. Apply now at this link.
Details: The Home-Based Services (HBS) strategy provides voluntary, relationship-based support to pregnant people and caregivers of children aged birth to five in the places they live. Home visitors deliver information, resources, and social connections to support healthy births, positive parenting, health education, child development, safe home environments, and school readiness.
For more details, please visit the grant website here, or if you have questions, please contact Phillip Thompson at phithompson@kingcounty.gov.
2. Community Driven Behavioral Health RFP
Applications are due by 2PM on Wednesday, February 22nd. Apply now at this link.
Details: This RFP seeks to fund Small Organizations to provide community-driven behavioral health services that support the behavioral health needs within their own communities in King County. Successful applications for the resulting Community Driven Grants will support the development, strengthening and/or implementation of creative, innovative, culturally, and linguistically responsive approaches. There is a total of $1.75 million to be allocated.
For more details, please visit the grant website here, or if you have questions, please contact Andria Howerton at dchscontracts@kingcounty.gov.
3. Conservation Futures Program
Applications are due by Monday, March 6th. Apply now at this link.
Details: CFT grants are used to buy or conserve parks and open spaces. These open spaces are used for passive recreation such as urban greenspaces, natural areas, forests, community gardens, farms, and trails. CFT funding is provided to governmental agencies and eligible nature conservancy or historic preservation nonprofits. Community groups or individuals can partner on projects with local agencies and eligible nonprofits.
For more details, please visit the grant website here, or if you have questions, please contact Ingrid Lundin at Ingrid.Lundin@kingcounty.gov.
4. Rural Behavioral Health Services RFP
Applications are due by 2PM on Thursday, March 9th. Apply now at this link.
Details: The purpose of this RFP is to expand availability and access to behavioral health -- mental health and/or substance use disorder (SUD) -- services for individuals living in rural (particularly unincorporated) areas of King County who have unmet behavioral health needs. There is a total of $1.1 million to be allocated.
For more details, please visit the grant website here, or if you have questions, please contact Andria Howerton at dchscontracts@kingcounty.gov.
5. 4Culture Arts, Heritage, and Preservation Projects
 Applications for each of the three grants are due by 5PM on Thursday, March 23rd. Apply now at this link.
Details: 4Culture Project grants can help you put your ideas in motion and share them with King County. We award Project grants in three disciplines: arts, heritage, and preservation. Make sure to read the guidelines carefully, as they each have slightly different requirements.
For more details, please visit the grant websites below:
Arts Projects: For artists and arts groups to create new work, pursue opportunities, pay for materials, and more (contact: Melissa Newbill at melissa.newbill@4culture.org)
Heritage Projects: Funds individuals and organizations documenting, sharing, and interpreting King County heritage (contact: Megumi Nagata at megumi.nagata@4culture.org)
Preservation Projects: Supports the people, supplies, studies, plans, programs, and more that protect our historic places (contact: Dana Phelan at dana.phelan@4culture.org)
6. BIPOC Resiliency Fund Grant
Applications for each of the four grants are due on Tuesday, March 28th (for the first 3 opportunities) and on Tuesday, April 11th (for the final opportunity). Apply now at this link.
Details: King County allocated $25 million in general funds to advance equitable economic recovery and racial justice through a community-centered, co-creative grantmaking processes. They are seeking community-service providers, nonprofit organizations and small businesses that are dismantling systemic racism and working to undo its harms to address the public health crisis. Awards will be allocated in four different categories: general need, capacity-building, small businesses, and physical infrastructure.
For more details, please view the grant opportunities below:
If you have questions, please contact oesjgrants@kingcounty.gov.
7. Working Connections Child Care
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Apply now at this link.
Details: Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) helps eligible families pay for childcare. When a family qualifies for subsidy benefits and chooses a provider, the state pays a portion of the cost of childcare. Parents may be responsible for a copayment to their provider each month. Families experiencing homelessness may be approved for up to 12 months to help resolve issues surrounding homelessness.
For more details, please visit the grant website here, or if you have questions, please email providerhelp@dcyf.wa.gov or call 1-800-394-4571.
8. US Affordable Connectivity Program
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Apply now at this link.
Details: The Affordable Connectivity Program is a US Government program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more. The benefit provides a discount to help low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices like a laptop or tablet.
For more details, please visit the grant website here.
9. Emergency and Unforeseen Funds
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Apply now at this link.
Details: 4Culture's Emergency and Unforeseen grants meet a wide variety of unexpected facility needs for cultural organizations, and their funds are available for actual costs incurred to repair or renovate cultural spaces.
For more details, please visit the grant website here, or if you have questions, please email Dana Phelan at dana.phelan@4culture.org.
10. Open 4Culture Funds
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Apply now at this link.
Details: Through this grant -- which has no deadline -- 4Culture awards amounts up to $1,500 to cultural doers serving underserved populations across the county. Artists and arts groups operating outside of Seattle and those working in Heritage and Preservation anywhere in King County may apply.
For more details, please visit the program website here, or if you have questions, please email Melissa Newbill at melissa.newbill@4culture.org
11. King County Child Care Financial Assistance Program
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Apply now at this link.
Details: King County has allocated $7 million of its federal ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding to support King County families with the cost of their child care. Eligible families may receive financial assistance to pay for their child care at eligible providers.
For more details, please visit the grant website here, or if you have questions, please email KingCCFA@childcare.org.
If you have any questions about the grant opportunities, please reach out to our Communications and Community Engagement Manager Osman at osman.salahuddin@kingcounty.gov. The deadlines for all of these opportunities vary, but they are all due between now and the end of March. We will be sharing more opportunities in the coming months as they arise!
All the best,
 Sarah Perry King County Council District 3