Quote of the Week
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”
– John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
COVID resources
Please continue to exercise caution throughout each day to keep yourself, your family, and your community safe. For up-to-date information on cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in the County, see the Daily COVID-19 outbreak summary dashboard.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Public Health – Seattle & King County has provided a fact sheet for parents to assess their child’s symptoms, learn risk factors and treatments, and instructions on how to reduce its spread. For the latest RSV research and surveillance, click here.
Helpful Public Health-related articles
RSV in Seattle: Symptoms, How Long It Lasts, and Treatments – Seattle Met
King County Public Health keeping an eye on 4 key issues – FOX 13
U.S. Covid-19 Pandemic Enters Fourth Year with Hospitalizations on the Decline – Wall Street Journal
New Case of Measles in King County – Public Health Insider
King County health officials checking on potential exposure to measles at two sites – The Seattle Times
King County, here’s what to know about that CDC letter in your mail – The Seattle Times
Is WHO ready to end the global health emergency over Covid? Maybe not just yet – STAT News
Do bivalent boosters work against XBB.1.5? Vaccine questions, answered. – The Seattle Times
Local Services and Land Use Committee
The Local Services and Land Use Committee met on Tuesday and took action on several of the Executive’s appointments as well as a motion requesting that the Executive complete a code study related to expanded multifamily housing types in low‑ and medium‑density urban residential zones. For more information and a recording of this meeting click here.
Full Council
The King County Council met on Tuesday. During the meeting, I joined Councilmember Dunn in proclaiming January 2023 as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Human trafficking remains a persistent and dehumanizing issue in our region, and a key step to combatting it is educating the community on what it is and how to recognize it.
We also took up a series of appointments and reappointments, including voting on the confirmation of Raul Martinez as a judge for the Shoreline District Court. Members also voted on reappointments to boards and commissions. For more information and a recording of this meeting click here.
Budget and Fiscal Management Committee
The Budget and Fiscal Management Committee met on Wednesday and took action on a proposed property tax levy for regional behavioral health services and capital facilities that would go to the voters this April, as well as on an ordinance concerning the 2022 levy of property taxes in King County for collection in the year 2023. The Committee also discussed two ordinances authorizing the Executive to execute an amendment to the agreement with the Washington state Department of Ecology for loan financing for a wastewater capital project. For more information and a recording of this meeting click here.
Full Council
A special meeting will be held next Tuesday, January 31st. During this special meeting, Legislative Branch Service Award recognitions will resume after a three-year hiatus. These recognitions are an opportunity to publicly recognize staff for their years of service to King County – the Council Chair will read a short introduction of the employee, present the employee with a certificate, and then take a photo together. This meeting will also include a proclamation of the Council’s condemnation of antisemitism. For more information on this meeting and to find its agenda, click here.
Regional Water Quality Committee
The Regional Water Quality Committee will meet on Wednesday, February 31st at 3:00 p.m. The Committee will receive reports from the Metropolitan Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee as well as from the Wastewater Treatment Division. The Committee will also receive a briefing concerning the implications of emerging polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, (a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water) regulatory direction. Lastly, the Committee will discuss a motion acknowledging receipt of the report on toxics in King County wastewater effluent. This is in response to a proviso that I had included in the 2019-2020 Biennial Budget in an effort to gain a clearer understanding of the impact that effluent may have on our marine ecosystem, including salmon and orcas. For more information on this meeting, its agenda, and how to join it, click here.
Public Comment Period for King County Precinct Alterations Open Now
Precinct boundaries in Washington are required to be adjusted in response to redistricting efforts, limitations on the maximum number of voters, annexations to cities, and other election administration constraints. The public comment period for input on alterations made to King County voting precincts is open now through Wednesday, February 1st.
Click here to learn more, view the precinct alteration map, or submit public comment.
King County Prosecuting Attorney announces policy changes
On Tuesday, our recently elected King County Prosecuting Attorney Leesa Manion announced some of the first policy and practice changes of her administration, which are aimed at improving public safety. Among these changes is the creation of a specialized unit dedicated to gun violence prevention and the creation of two new divisions: an Economic Crimes and Wage Theft Division and a division focused on gender-based violence and prevention, including rape cases, sexual assaults and domestic violence. Read more information here.
$52 million for 36 projects that will protect greenspace, restore habitat, conserve tree canopy, increase access to homegrown food
Executive Constantine’s open space preservation plans, which were recently approved by the King County Council, will increase access to greenspace and parks in underserved communities, acquire land for habitat restoration, protect tree canopy, and strengthen the local food system. This plan will use open space preservation funding generated from the Conservation Futures Program. For Executive Constantine’s announcement, click here.
King County medical examiner’s office is struggling to store bodies amid rise in fentanyl overdoses
The King County Medical Examiner’s Office is having difficulties storing bodies in its morgue, partly due to a rise in fentanyl-related overdose deaths. As of December 2022, 70% of King County overdose deaths are related to fentanyl. Click here to read the article from KIRO7. This is extremely bothersome to me, and I will be exploring what we can reasonably do to stem this horrible situation.
Citizens’ Elections Oversight Committee Annual Report
The King County Citizens’ Elections Oversight Committee has released its annual report for 2022, which includes several highlights from Committee action over the past year, as well as the Committee’s focuses for the next year. Click here to view the report.
King County Regional Homelessness Authority announces a 5-Year plan towards reducing homelessness
The KCRHA drafted its plan with input from people from several different communities, ages, identities, and socioeconomic environments. The plan includes seven major goals, including dramatically reduce unsheltered homelessness; restructuring the service system to improve capacity, supports, and efficiency, ensuring the availability of accessible, accountable, and responsive services; reducing the impact of racism on people experiencing homelessness; allowing no family with children to sleep outside, pushing for every youth and young adult to have a home; and the region’s priority to act as one to address homelessness. Review the Executive Summary and the full text of the 5-Year Plan.
Emergency need for blood donations
January is National Blood Donor Month! Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. The Washington State Department of Health and the Northwest Blood Coalition are urging eligible blood donors to donate, as blood donation is critical for patients undergoing surgeries, cancer treatments, blood disorder treatments, childbirth complications, and other serious and potentially life-threatening conditions and injuries. You can donate Vitalant, Cascade Regional Blood Centers, BloodworksNW, and the American Red Cross Northwest Region.
Seattle will give free transit cards to all public housing residents
A new program from the city of Seattle will give zero-fare ORCA cards to all Seattle Housing Authority residents. These SHA farecards are funded by a sales tax which voters passed in 2020. Approximately 10,000 people will benefit from these farecards, which will be valid through 2026. For more information, click here.
Washington legislators work further on issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women
Washington State lawmakers are proposing a new legislative bill to create a new cold case investigations unit and to extend a task force that makes recommendations on the ongoing issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women. The bill would also push to improve communication among law enforcement agencies, tribal police, and family members. For more information, click here.
Enterprise Northwest 2022 Year in Review
Enterprise Northwest has announced its 2022 Year in Review. This report includes programmatic highlights from efforts on catalyzing affordable housing, investing in early learning facilities, and supporting community capacity. Click here to read the full report.
Lunar New Year Fair
On Saturday, January 28th from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., celebrate the Year of the Rabbit and the Year of the Cat at Wing Luke Museum’s Lunar New Year Fair. LQ Lion Dance will perform in front of the museum entrance, and there will also be craft-making, games, art, and a special storytime session. This event is free and open to the public, but advance ticket registration is encouraged. Click here for more information.
Together We Rise! Anti-Sex Trafficking Awareness Night
On Saturday, January 28th at 5:00 p.m., the Organization for Prostitution Survivors and Black Coffee Northwest will host an anti-sex trafficking awareness night. The event will include performances, spoken word and dance, a trafficking 101 presentation, information on services and resources, and networking opportunities. Click hereto register for the event.
Lunar New Year Celebration
The Chinatown-International District will hold a Lunar New Year celebration on Saturday, February 4th. This event will include performances and music, a food walk tour, vendors lined throughout the streets, and more. Click here for more information and to RSVP for the event.
West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions
Join Sound Transit staff on Wednesday, February 8th between 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. at Union Station to learn about and provide feedback for the CID, Downtown, Interbay/Ballard study results, and learn about the further study work in West Seattle, Duwamish, and SODO areas. Click here for more information. A more in-depth briefing on the study results will take place at the System Expansion Committee meeting on Thursday, February 9th at 1:00 p.m. Click here for details on the meeting and how to join it.
Disaster Skills Training
If you missed the Disaster Skills Training webinar last Friday, there will be another online training session on Wednesday, February 22nd at 12:00 p.m. Disaster Skills Training teaches basic emergency preparedness for individuals and families and focuses on hazards specific to the region. Click here for more information or click here to register.
Save the date for Ballard Seafood Fest
The Ballard Seafood Fest will return in 2023 on July 14th-16th and is expected to bring over 50,000 visitors. Save the date for fun arts and crafts, food, and more. Click here to stay up to date on the event.
Ribbon cutting at the new Summit building
I attended a ribbon cutting event on Wednesday with Councilmember Rod Dembowski at the newest addition to the Seattle Convention Center, the Summit building. The new building has utilized sustainably sourced, recycled materials throughout the building, such as plant-based acoustic ceiling tiles and bio-based fabric panels. I was very pleased to have attended this event, especially as I had been the lead sponsor for the Council’s approval of legislation on the construction in 2016. This new expansion should attract a very large number of conventions and tourists to our region which will be very helpful to our economy. Visit the space on Friday, January 27th for its public open house from 1:00-6:00 p.m. Click here to register for the self-guided tour.
Pacific Northwest Bay Watershed Education and Training Program
The Pacific Northwest Bay Watershed Education and Training Program is an environmental education program that supports locally relevant experiential learning in the K-12 environment. Funded projects provide meaningful watershed educational experiences for students, related professional development for teachers, and help to support regional education and environmental priorities in the Pacific Northwest. The primary delivery is through competitive grants. Submit your application before Tuesday, February 7th. Click here for more details.
Employment Services for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
The King County Department of Community and Human Services, Developmental Disabilities and Early Childhood Supports Division is seeking qualified agencies to provide employment services to eligible adults with developmental disabilities. Supported employment services include direct- and indirect-support to individuals to pursue, obtain, and maintain integrated, community-based employment. Join the upcoming info session on February 3rd to learn more. Click here for more details.
Funding for salmon habitat
WRIA 9 is now soliciting project applications for Regreen the Green grants and Monitoring and Research grants. Regreen the Green grants support projects that enhance riparian shade to improve conditions for salmon and meet water quality standards that support aquatic life. For more information and how to apply, please see the Request for Proposal. The WRIA 9 Monitoring and Research grant program supports enhanced effectiveness monitoring and ongoing research and data gap projects within WRIA 9. For more information and how to apply, please see the Request for Proposal. Click here for more information on how to apply and to learn more about upcoming grant application workshops.
Conservation Futures acquisition grant applications
King County is seeking applications for 2024 King County Conservation Futures grants. Conservation Futures grants can help acquire parks and open spaces for passive recreation such as urban greenspaces, natural areas, forests, community gardens, farms, and trails. There may be opportunities to partner on green stormwater park acquisitions or help create open space or community gardens near affordable housing developments. Applications are due on Monday, March 6th, 2023. Click here for more information and how to apply.
WaterWorks Grant Program
The WaterWorks Grant Program provides approximately $5 million in funding every two years to organizations carrying out a variety of water quality improvement projects in the service area for King County's regional wastewater system. Nonprofits, schools and educational institutions, cities, counties, tribes, and special purpose districts are all eligible to apply—and partnerships are encouraged. View the grant guidelines here, and apply before March 8th, 2023.
Parks Levy Grants
The 2023 Request for Applications is now open. King County Parks Levy grants are available now for the following programs: Aquatic Facilities; Parks Capital and Open Space; Open Space – River Corridors; and Healthy Communities and Parks Fund. Review the guidelines for each of the grants here. Webinars will be held from January 30th – February 3rd to learn more about specific grants and to have your questions answered. Register for a webinar here. Applications for these grants will be accepted through March 15th, 2023.
Human Resource Associate
King County's Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) provides equitable opportunities for people to be healthy, happy, and connected to community. The Human Resources Associate is a key member of the DCHS Human Resources team and is responsible for administrative and outreach details in support of DCHS's recruitment efforts. The HR Associate organizes and deploys key elements of selection processes that receive, screen, test, evaluate, and hire talented, committed, and hard-working individuals with an ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Click here for more information.
Employee Experience Manager
The Career and Culture Division within the Department of Human Resources seeks an innovative and dynamic Employee Experience Manager. The Employee Experience Manager provides leadership for King County employee experience programs and is responsible for strategic, data-driven efforts to support the County’s True North of “Making King County a welcoming community where every person can thrive.” Click here for more information.
The White Center Food Bank has helped thousands of people find healthy and culturally familiar food, giving customers the opportunity to shop for items that they want and need. The launch of WCFB’s capital campaign to keep the community fed brought together various members of the community including board members, volunteers, customers, and staff. Together, the group worked on a lovely collaborative piece by and for the community. Click here to learn more about the event.
Helpful and informative links
After CA mass shootings, here's where to find AAPI mental health services in King, Pierce counties – KUOW
Don’t allow 2023 to set a new record for homeless deaths – The Seattle Times
What are the impacts of going 'cash-free' in King County? – KUOW
Chicago mayor tells residents to stop using cash if they don't want to keep getting mugged (I am mentioned) – ABC7
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