New agreement on City Hall Park // County to maintain current least on SODO shelter // Dr. Duchin’s public health briefing // Council Budget Town Hall Next Wednesday //Much more!

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Banner image showing King County Councilmember Jeanne Kohl-Welles.

Oct. 14, 2022


Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Today, Mayor Harrell and Executive Constantine announced a new agreement on City Hall Park. I’m relieved that Seattle Mayor Harrell is proposing the City of Seattle take action to revitalize the long-neglected City Hall Park adjacent to the King County Courthouse, which the City fenced off 14 months ago in August 2021. However, I am disappointed that our two bodies of government were unable to reach a resolution on transferring this land to the County in exchange for 13 surplus County properties that could have been used by Seattle Parks, and that throughout this process, the City of Seattle did little to activate the park. We have been ready as a county to take that fence down and work with neighborhood organizations to make the park a vibrant, welcoming space that enriches our county’s campus.

I am optimistic that today’s announcement will lead to positive change. The mayor’s proposed investments are well appreciated. Moving forward and to ensure the park thrives, we should keep consistent and open dialogue between the City and County and ensure that the voices of the surrounding neighborhood are included in decision making. My hope is this partnership will transform this space and end an era for this park in which it was considered unsafe and even a blight.

In other important news today, Executive Constantine announced that the county will maintain the current lease for the Salvation Army-operated shelter in SODO. If approved by the King County Council, the Executive’s proposal will preserve 24/7 enhanced shelter for 270 residents, while also redirecting Services Hub expansion funds toward other investments to help house or shelter people faster. For more information, click here.

Also, I recommend you read the latest on COVID, our King County Biennial Budget process, and other important issues below.

All the best and I hope you are staying safe.