Dear Friends and Neighbors,
As you likely know, budget season is well underway and over the next two months, the King County Council will be hearing from the community, deliberating on the Executive’s 2023-2024 Biennial Budget proposal, and ultimately passing a budget that guides County spending over the next two years.
The King County budget is our most important document as it reflects our values and outlines investments in important public goods and services including transit, the criminal legal system, the environment, social services, housing, and more. Still not sure what all of this means? King County Television (KCTV) produced a great explainer video that you can watch here. You can also access the “Budget Book” here.
And, I hope that you will join Councilmember Rod Dembowski and me on Tuesday, October 11th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for a virtual town hall focusing on the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget. We will be joined by Dwight Dively, Director of the Office of Performance, Strategy and Budget, to take an in-depth look at the Executive’s proposed biennial budget and take questions from the audience. The event will be livestreamed on my Facebook page and live captions will be enabled. You do not need to be a Facebook member to join. Questions may be submitted live in the comment section, or live or in advance at this link:
For other questions, please email me at or call 206-477-1004.
Can’t make it to our town hall but still want to provide input? There will be several other opportunities to get involved with the budget over the next few weeks, including three in-person public comment meetings in the evenings throughout the County. Those events will be on Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. this Wednesday, October 5th in Redmond, October 12th in Kent, and October 17th in Seattle at the King County Courthouse. Only the October 17th meeting will be available virtually. Check out the full schedule for the next two months here.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with your priorities, questions, and concerns.