HCHN Bulletin August 5, 2022

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Healthcare for the Homeless Network

Biweekly updates for our providers and partners 

August 5, 2022

In This Newsletter


A New Model for Isolation and Quarantine services

With relatively stable COVID-19 hospitalization and death rates, King County made the decision to transition to a more traditional model of I&Q. Public Health – Seattle & King County has developed a new program to ensure King County residents have a safe, stable, and comfortable place to isolate and quarantine. More information about the new program can be found here. Public Health – Seattle & King County will continue providing care through its new Mobile I&Q team, as well as designated lodging throughout the county. Additional information can be found on our website.

Isolation and Quarantine During a Surge

  • At times of a surge in COVID-19 in King County, if our program is at capacity, a surge plan includes:
    • Adjusting capacity and service hours to the extent possible at hotels and with the Mobile Care Team.
    • If demand exceeds capacity, the program will prioritize services to those at highest risk for hospitalization. More information can be found on the COVID-19 homelessness response page
    • For homeless service providers, if isolation and quarantine facilities reach capacity, reimbursement for hotel stays (“hotel vouchers”), reimbursement for food for hotel voucher guests, and reimbursement for surge staffing will be made available.
    • Service providers should consider proactively making arrangements with a hotel provider in case hotel vouchers are needed and/or make other plans for sheltering individuals in place.
    • A hotel “broker” can assist providers who do not have an existing relationship with a hotel. A contract is required to use hotel broker services and must be put in place in advance. ReloShare is one such hotel broker (contact Paige Allmendinger pallmendinger@reloshare.com)
    • Public Health and the Regional Homelessness Authority are discussing a new role coordinating referrals and shelter support requests during a significant surge

We expect this new I/Q model will continue to evolve to meet community needs. We look forward to working in partnership with our stakeholders and partners to continue to refine I/Q to provide a safe and welcoming place to recover from COVID.

Free Telehealth COVID-19 Treatment Resources from Washington State Department of Health

Washington State DOH Test-to-Treat Flyer (one-page flyer with contact phone number and webpage)

Washington State DOH COVID-19 Treatment Free Telehealth Homepage (information about eligibility and appointments)

Public Health – Seattle & King County information on Monkeypox:

King County Public Health holds biweekly Covid-19 Response calls with homeless service providers every two weeks on Wednesday at 2 p.m. to coordinate efforts to support and protect people living homeless. This call includes updates and information regarding COVID-19, addresses questions from the community and provides an opportunity for Public Health to hear from homeless service providers. Click here to find the schedule of meetings, and sign up here for COVID Homelessness Response email alerts and receive up-to-date information related to King County's COVID-19 response for people experiencing homelessness.

Covid-19 Response Call for Homeless Service Providers

King County Public Health holds biweekly Covid-19 Response calls with homeless service providers every two weeks on Wednesday at 2 p.m. to coordinate efforts to support and protect people living homeless. This call includes updates and information regarding COVID-19, addresses questions from the community and provides an opportunity for Public Health to hear from homeless service providers. Click here to find the schedule of meetings, and sign up here for COVID Homelessness Response email alerts and receive up-to-date information related to King County's COVID-19 response for people experiencing homelessness. 

What does Medium COVID-19 level mean for you? Our latest data and steps to take with cases rising

Based on Public Health’s latest data from Monday, April 25th, our rate of cases now puts King County into the Medium COVID-19 Community Level as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): over 200 new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people over a seven-day period.

While the CDC “medium” risk category is not a magic threshold, meaning something has suddenly or fundamentally changed about the outbreak, it does tell us that COVID-19 risk is increasing for individuals and for our community. We can use this information to lower our own risk and those around us by increasing our protection.

Click here to learn more about the latest data, recommended prevention measures, and other information.

Outbreaks of norovirus-like illness at schools and long-term care facilities

norovirus-like illness page 1norovirus-like illness page 2

We are seeing an increase in outbreaks of norovirus-like illness at schools and long-term care facilities, indicating there are high levels of norovirus-like illnesses circulating among the community. While we haven’t heard of any outbreaks at shelter sites or other homeless service sites, they can still be affected.

Please share this Norovirus Infographic, which can also be accessed on our website (along with cleaning and outbreak management recommendations).

Lastly, please note that alcohol-based hand sanitizers are not effective against Norovirus. Handwashing with soap and water should be used in place of hand sanitizer whenever possible. Additionally, many cleaning products are not effective against Norovirus, except for minimum ¾ cup bleach per gallon of water or the cleaning products listed on EPA’s website here.

Public Health–Seattle & King County continues to monitor an increasing trend in fentanyl-involved overdoses in the community and offers agencies access to naloxone and educational materials.

Increasing trend in overdoses

In both May and July 2021, the King County Medical Examiner’s Office identified 10 fatal overdoses involving fentanyl in unstably housed individuals, which is 5 times the amount of fatal fentanyl overdoses seen in the preceding months.

You can’t see, smell, or taste fentanyl. Fentanyl could potentially be present in any illicit drug and any amount of fentanyl can be fatal. Locally, fentanyl is still most commonly found in counterfeit pills that are sold on the street or online. These pills are often marked with “M30” and referred to as “oxys” or “percs.” Fentanyl has also been identified in white powders and black tar heroin or fake black tar substance.

Reduce the risk of opioid overdose:

  • Do not consume any pill that you do not directly receive from a pharmacy or your prescriber. Pills purchased online are not safe.
  • Try to not use alone. If you must, have someone check on you or use a service like the Brave app or https://www.neverusealone.com that can call for help if you stop responding.
  • Recognize the signs of an overdose.
  • If you suspect an overdose, call 911 right away. The Good Samaritan Law protects you and the person overdosing from drug possession charges. More information on the Good Samaritan Law http://stopoverdose.org/section/good-samaritan-law/.
  • For information, data, and resources to prevent overdose visit www.kingcounty.gov/overdose.
  • Seek treatment for drug use disorder to help stop using drugs – call the Washington Recovery Hotline for treatment resources. 1-866-789-1511 (warecoveryhelpline.org).

For more information, data and resources to prevent overdose visit  www.kingcounty.gov/overdose. Check out the Fentanyl Toolkit for Service Providers here.

Access to treatment

Medications such as methadone and buprenorphine are effective treatments for opioid use disorder. Starting medication for opioid use disorder is now more accessible. People can connect with a provider via phone or online from anywhere to get started on buprenorphine. Call the Washington Recovery Helpline for resources at 1-866-789-1511 or www.warecoveryhelpline.org.

Shigella Update: 

  1. The Public Health General Communicable Disease team will reach out to any facilities where people diagnosed with Shigella have reported staying.
  2. COVID investigators will begin asking sites about whether they’ve had any clients w/diarrheal illness when we do our COVID outreach.
  3. Infection control:
    1. Same basic messages for control as with COVID in terms of hand hygiene, seeking prompt healthcare, cleaning, and disinfection, but people don’t necessarily need to be excluded from facilities
    2. People with symptoms should be referred for HC visit and stool testing
    3. Typical cleaning and disinfection practices should suffice, but would need to be especially vigilant in cleanup if there are fecal accidents
  4. The Sanitation and Hygiene Guide for Homeless Service Providers is sufficient for Homeless Service Providers to use for Shigella purposes:
    1. People with diarrheal symptoms shouldn’t prepare food for others, so need to make sure volunteers, staff and clients are all aware
  5. More info: King County info sheet and Public Health Insider blog post.

Hepatitis A Information and Resources -

  • This brief summary of the ongoing hepatitis A outbreak in King County illustrates and summarizes the recent increase in reported cases and demographics and risk factors for our confirmed cases.
  • Hepatitis A Health Warning for People Living Homeless provides useful information on how to prevent the spread of hepatitis A and locations offering hepatitis A vaccination.
  • Cleaning to Kill Hepatitis A provides useful guidance on how to disinfect facilities and surfaces that have been exposed to hepatitis
  • Other Hepatitis A Information and guidance, including infographics like the one depicted above are available at: kingcounty.gov/hepA.
  • Locations of free vaccine will be updated at: kingcounty.gov/hch. This supply is targeted for higher risk populations, so people who have insurance should get vaccinated at their healthcare provider or a pharmacy. Check https://www.vaccines.gov/ for pharmacies that offer hepatitis A vaccine.
  • Public Health and HCHN are offering free, low barrier, trauma-informed vaccine clinics for our clients. If you are interested in having a clinic at your site, please complete the vaccine request survey here and we will reach out to schedule a clinic.  More info on this effort can be found here.
hep a

Novel Coronavirus Updates

Booster COVID-19 Shots

People who are eligible can get a booster shot with any available COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of whether they received the J&J, Moderna, or Pfizer vaccine for their initial dose(s).

Booster shots are available at all King County operated vaccination sites. You can find a list of sites at kingcounty.gov/vaccine. Public Health’s vaccination sites at Auburn, Kent, Bellevue Eastgate, and Downtown Seattle are using a wait list for all appointments. Drop-in appointments are not available at this time. To get an appointment, please register for the waitlist at: yourcovidvaccine.kingcounty.gov.

All King County operated vaccination sites are ADA accessible and have language and ASL interpretation available. Most sites offer drop-in vaccination, no appointment needed. Questions? Call the King County COVID-19 Call Center: 206-477-3977, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. If you need language interpretation, please say your preferred language when connected.

Boosters are also available at many local clinics, doctor’s offices, and pharmacies. You can use Washington State’s Vaccine Locator to find a vaccination site near you: vaccinelocator.doh.wa.gov.

COVID-19 booster shots and vaccinations are always free of charge at all locations. For more information visit Ask Miss Rona: COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shots – PUBLIC HEALTH INSIDER

COVID-19 Vaccination Updates & Resources

Public Health – Seattle & King County regularly updates information about the COVID-19 vaccines in multiple languages at www.kingcounty.gov/covid/vaccine. You can find information about:

Ventilation at homeless service sites – support available and survey

Public Health - Seattle & King County has prioritized providing the most up to date information about COVID-19 mitigation measures in congregate spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic progresses, we know that increasing ventilation in indoor spaces, mask use, sanitation and hygiene are all critical to mitigating the spread of the virus. To focus on the critical role that ventilation plays in mitigating COVID-19, Environmental Health Services is working to evaluate congregate spaces to help inform guidance for ventilation in congregate settings. We also hope to provide support and assist King County and the City of Seattle’s shelter fortification efforts. In addition, we are working to secure funding to supply a limited number of portable air cleaners and assistance to install “Upper Air UV disinfection units” where they are recommended. 

Please take a few moments to take our shelter ventilation assessment to help our planning, here: Ventilation Assessment for Homeless Services

It may be helpful to coordinate with your building engineer or maintenance persons to assist in answering the survey. If you are not able to access any information about your ventilation system, please be sure to indicate this on the survey. We may be able to send an industrial hygienist to visit your site and assess your needs on a first come, first served basis. If you have questions about this survey please reach out to Environmental Health Service Division contacts Anne Alfred, anne.alfred@kingcounty.gov or Marta Lema, marta.lema@kingcounty.gov.

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Launches

988 is the new, nationwide, three-digit dialing code for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. The 988 dialing code connects people via call, text, or chat, to the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) where compassionate, accessible care and support are available for anyone experiencing mental health-related distress. 988 is the newest addition to the state’s network of crisis center providers and will not replace any crisis call centers in Washington. The current NSPL number, 1-800-273-TALK (8255), will remain active along with the new 988 dialing code. Find more information on the Department of Health website here.

Historically, mental health and suicide crisis response teams have heavily relied on and utilized law enforcement officers for response. For some individuals, law enforcement involvement during mental health crisis can result in fatal outcomes. The federal agencies working on the 988 legislations are in continuous conversation around the use of geolocation reporting to local law enforcement for a consumer expressing imminent risk of suicide. Individuals and providers are encouraged to be mindful and transparent when making referrals to those who would need de-escalation and crisis assistance.

  • Additional non-police and non-carceral rooted crisis and suicide prevention resources:
  • The https://warmline.org/ has useful resources for peer-led support lines.
    WA Warm Line/ “Crisis Connections” which uses a peer-led model as well. The info for that line is: 877-500-9276.
  • Home | Trans Lifeline or 877-565-8860
  • Wildflower Alliance or 888-407-4515 By phone every day: 7pm to 9pm Monday through Thursday and 7pm-10pm Friday through Sunday
  • Call BlackLine—Crisis Call Line 800-604-5841 (prioritizes Black, LGBTQ, Muslim, and other historically excluded communities).“

Eviction Moratorium and rental assistance

Covid help for rent

The federal moratorium on evictions expired July 31st , 2021 and the City of Seattle eviction moratorium expired February 28th , 2022. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has published a Rental Assistance Finder to help renters and landlords avoid eviction. It can help them understand resources available to help navigate various financial hardships related to the pandemic. Emergency rental assistance is available for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in King County here Get Help with Rent | United Way of King County (uwkc.org)

What does the expiration of the Seattle eviction moratoria mean for renters, landlords, and property managers?

Under the moratorium, evictions were limited to situations in which there was an imminent threat to health and safety. Once the moratorium ends, renters will continue to have a number of eviction protections. Landlords will be able to proceed with certain evictions but should have a good understanding of the process and what is and is not allowed. The City and its partners can help renters and landlords understand their rights, responsibilities, and available resources.

For detailed information about the end of the eviction moratoria, we have created a new webpage at www.seattle.gov/EvictionAssistance. Also, the City of Seattle’s Renting in Seattle helpline is available during most business hours at 206-684-5700. Language assistance is available through the helpline.  

Rental Assistance for Bellevue residents

Y social impact bellevue rent assistanceY rent help Bellevue Spanish

The Y Social Impact Center is offering rental assistance for residents of Auburn, Bellevue, and City of Seattle.

At this time, if your household does not reside in one of the cities listed below, the Y Social Impact Center is not able to process your application for rental assistance due to funding limitations. Please visit their website for more information.

Expanded Unemployment Benefits In-language Videos

Neighborhood House created in-language videos on Expanded Unemployment Benefits information.

They currently have videos in the following languages and have plans to create videos in additional languages in partnership with other agencies.

Amharic | Khmer (Cambodian) | Farsi | Russian | Somali | Ukrainian | Vietnamese

Homeless Service Change Tracker

The Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness in partnership with King County has compiled a Homeless Service Change Tracker. The purpose of this Google Sheet is to provide information to homeless service providers and local government about changes that are happening in the King County Homeless Services network in response to COVID-19. Coalition staff collected the initial information by calling over 70 organizations, and the Coalition knows there is more to add. If you have a resource to add that is not already listed, please enter information here: https://bit.ly/covidchanges. If you have updates to your program’s listing, please email notices@homelessinfo.org so they can update.

Link to tracker: http://homelessinfo.org/resource/covid/

Homeless Response Resources on Coronavirus

  • Subscribe to the COVID Homelessness Response listserv by clicking here. You will then receive regular updates about King County's Coronavirus response for people experiencing homelessness.
  • King County Coronavirus Call Center - if you're a healthcare or homeless shelter or service provider with questions about COVID-19, contact our novel coronavirus call center: 206-477-3977. The Call Center is open daily from 8 am to 7 pm.
  • Guidance documents and a meeting calendar for homeless service providers can be found on the Public Health COVID response webpage, kingcounty.gov/covid/homeless

Other Resources on Coronavirus

HCHN Dates and Information

Antigen Kits -- Community Partner/Agency Ordering Information

For internal Public Health Centers and programs, please continue using the system Lee Thornhill has established to order Test Kits. 

  • More information (flyers, posters, videos etc.) can be found here:
  • Community Partners and Agencies
    • How to get a supply of antigen/rapid tests for your clients:
    • Notes:
      • Please be aware that we are currently receiving many more orders than we are able to fill.
      • Orders will be prioritized. The link above provides the prioritization criteria we use to determine eligibility and to prioritize which orders get filled.
    • Households and Individuals:
      • Where to order free antigen/rapid tests for household and/or yourself: 
        • Federal home test ordering, every household is eligible to order 4 over the counter home tests: COVIDtests.gov - Free at-home COVID-19 tests
        • WA DOH home test ordering for individual households, this will be intermittently available as their supply allows: Home - Say Yes! To Covid Test (sayyescovidhometest.org)

HCH Network Calendar for 2022

The HCH Network calendar has been sent to agencies. Feel free to forward as needed or reach out to HCHN@kingcounty.gov with your agency contacts for us to add to the invites.

Upcoming event:

  • The next HCHN Leadership Roundtable meeting will be held on August 25 from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

National Health Care for the Homeless Council Newsletter

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) sends out a regular newsletter with new updates and program information. Occasionally, items are shared in the HCHN Bulletin. Visit here to learn more about the NHCHC. Sign up for their newsletter here.

Now accepting applications for new members on the HCHN Governance Council

Currently, HCHN is recruiting nominees for its Governance Council, which provides strategic direction and community guidance in effectively addressing the health needs of people experiencing homelessness. We are looking for individuals who have experienced homelessness (consumers) and/or are involved in providing services to individuals living homeless (non-consumers) to join the Council. For more information about membership and the application forms, please check out the “Governance” tab of the HCHN website or contact Rekha Ravindran by email or phone (206-263-6975). Please share this opportunity with anyone who may be interested.

Positions with Health Care for the Homeless Network

HCHN’s Mobile Medical Van team has two exciting opportunities for the full-time career service positions:

Disease Research & Intervention Specialist – King County Mobile Medical PrEP. This position will focus on PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) navigation in addition to providing client-focused HIV screening, and other STD screening as well as assessing client risk behaviors for contracting/transmitting HIV, Hepatitis and other STDs. The position will no longer be attached to Navos. It will be part of the Mobile Medical team and will work with Street Team, Seattle, and South County Vans.

This is a full-time career service position. Please note that the closing date is 8/31/22 but first consideration will be given to all applicants who apply by 11:59pm on Wednesday, August 24, 2022.

Education Special I, Mobile Medical

This position is available as 4 or 5 days/week (.8 to 1.0 FTE) and serves as Van driver and outreach staff for engaging, enrolling and supporting patient visits on the van.

Employment Opportunities

Social Worker - Harborview Abuse and Trauma Center (Open until filled)

Program Manager at Women’s Emergency Shelter - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Part-Time Counselor at Women’s Emergency Shelter - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Night Program Coordinator at Men’s Emergency Shelter - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Evening Counselor at Pioneer Square Men’s Program - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Registered Nurse - Housing & Street Outreach Team - REACH (.8-1.0 FTE) ** $5,000 Sign on Bonus!**  - (Open until filled)

Community Programs Coordinator – Facing Homelessness

Fiscal Specialist 2Harborview Abuse and Trauma Center (Open until filled) (Open until filled)

Peer Support Specialist II Navigation and Diversion Program - YMCA

Program Manager – Compass Alliance (Open until filled)

Housing Case Manager at Men’s Emergency Shelter - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Relief Staff supporting Multiple Locations - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Home Care Specialist supporting Multiple Locations - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Teller – Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Part Time Night Counselor at Cascade Women’s Program - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Housing Navigator at Jan & Peter’s Place Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Human Resources Specialist - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Social Worker - Ballard (.4 - .6 FTE) – Neighborcare (Open until filled)

Chief Operations Officer - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Development Coordinator - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Registered Nurse - Housing Health & Outreach Team - Clement Place (.8 FTE) **$5000 Sign - on Bonus** (Open until filled)

Registered Nurse - Housing Health & Outreach Team, Interbay (.8 FTE) **$5,000 Sign-on Bonus** - (Open until filled)

Night Counselor at Women’s Emergency Shelter

Relief Staff Supporting Multiple Locations - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Housing Case Manager at Supportive Family Housing - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Case Manager Supervisor - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Night Counselor at Supportive Shelter - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Education Specialist - NX Mobile Outreach – King County, Open until filled

Resident Support Specialist - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Education Liaison Housing Case Manager I at Supportive Family Housing - Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Full Time Night Counselor at Blaine Center (x2) Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Part Time Day Counselor at Blaine Center Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Director of Health Policy - Regional Homelessness Authority (Open until filled)

Program Assistant at Supportive Housing Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Multiple Counselor Positions at Men’s Emergency Shelter Compass Housing Alliance (Open until filled)

Registered Nurse - Housing Health & Outreach Team (Multiple Positions Available) **up to $5,000 sign on bonus! $1,500 for CE - Neighborcare (Open until filled)

Registered Nurse - Housing and Street Outreach Team - REACH (.8-1.0 FTE) ** 2 Open Positions! - Neighborcare (Open until filled)

Job Pages

Multiple Openings – Operation Nightwatch

Multiple Openings - Multi-Service Center

Multiple openings – Mary’s Place

Multiple openings – Valley Cities Behavioral Health Care

Multiple openings – YouthCare

Multiple openings – Friends of Youth

Multiple openings – HealthPoint

Multiple openings – PeerKent

Multiple openings – Evergreen Treatment Services

Programs of Interest

KCRHA’s Funding Opportunities

Request for Proposals for EHV Housing Search and Tenancy Support Services. We have issued an RFP for providers who currently have an Emergency Housing Voucher agreement with the RHA, seeking housing search and tenancy support services. Proposals are due August 8, and the full RFP is here.

Request for Information on Re-Procurement. We have issued a Request for Information to homeless service providers to collect input that will inform our 2023 re-procurement of contracts process.

Request for Statement of Qualifications. This allows us to pre-qualify agencies interested in competing for future funding. Please fill out this questionnaire to begin the process.

South King Capital Fund. The South King County Homelessness and Housing Partners have opened their first ever housing capital fund opportunity, with applications due September 15. Learn more.

HUD Unsheltered Opportunity. This is a unique, new opportunity from the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), focused on addressing unsheltered homelessness, due October 20, for which the RHA will submit a regional proposal. We will work collaboratively to review, ensure community input, pursue and/or support proposals from partners for strongly competitive proposals.

More information is available on our website.

Kent Mutual Aid Day on August 6

Kent Mutual Aid

Join Kent Library for this resource fair!

Digital Equity Forum survey is now live

The Digital Equity Forum is conducting a survey to better understand the challenges that Washingtonians are experiencing when using and connecting to the internet. The survey has been prepared in 15 different languages as well as recorded in American Sign Language to reach as many Washingtonians as possible.

Survey details:

  • Take the survey here
  • Closes on September 15

Provider Resources

Anti-Blackness in Sex Education

As educators and youth advocates, we must do the work of identifying anti-Blackness within sex education & sexual health and it’s impacts on Black youth. The goal of this workshop is that attendees feel better equipped to recognize, reflect on, and interrupt anti-Blackness within topics related to sexual health. It will explore what factors impact sexual health outcomes for Black youth and reflect on, gather, and share strategies and tools that we can use in our work. This will happen as we review statistics, videos, and quotes with ample time for discussion and reflection. This is an opportunity to deepen or add to your process and understanding of uprooting white supremacy in our work.

Date: Friday, 9/9/22

Time: 10:00 am-11:30 am PST

Link to register

New Resources Available on Medical Respite Care

The field of medical respite care (MRC) continues to grow as more communities recognize the importance of providing people experiencing homelessness with a safe place to heal from illness or injury. To capture and highlight this growth and the invaluable work happening in medical respite programs across the country, the National Institute of Medical Respite Care has developed a new resource: The State of Medical Respite Care 2022. The data provides a snapshot of MRC programs in 2022. This resource is intended to support MRC advocacy, education, program planning, and quality improvement in communities across the U.S. The data is primarily based on self-reported information from MRC programs’ directory profile submissions.

NIMRC also has published a new issue brief, Barriers to Accessing Higher Levels of Care: Implications for Medical Respite Care Programs. There is an existing tension for medical respite programs in addressing the needs of individuals who require higher levels of care who are frequently referred to but may not be appropriate for medical respite care. This issue brief provides an overview of the levels of care, and highlights barriers people experiencing homelessness encounter when they need access to more comprehensive health care services. This resource can be used by programs to establish an understanding of these levels of care, and recommendations for advocacy to address these barriers within this communities.

New Service from the King County Library System-- Supporting Telehealth for Persons Experiencing Homelessness

The King County Library System (KCLS) has a new service: video appointments at the library! We are offering an opportunity for local service and health providers to extend this service to your users.

This new service, TeleConnect, facilitates patron access to virtual video appointments, such as telehealth, job interviews, training webinars, one-on-one social service meetings, counseling, legal appointments, and more. This service benefits those who lack digital literacy, computer equipment, private space, or internet connectivity to engage at home. KCLS staff will be available to help patrons, especially those who may have limited computer knowledge, to access services vital to their health and well-being.

KCLS is bridging the technology gap by providing equipment and private space for videoconferencing appointments at five library branches in South King County: Enumclaw, Federal Way 320th, Skyway, Tukwila and Woodmont. We are also seeking partners in other locations who have identified a need in their community.

The equipment consists of a Zoom-enabled iPad mounted on an adjustable pole that can be wheeled into a study room for private virtual appointments between a service provider and your client or patient. Our partnership process creates a safe and seamless line of communication that eliminates the most common problems preventing people from successfully joining virtual meetings.

If you are interested in becoming a TeleConnect partner or would like more information, reach out to Audrey Barbakoff, Community Engagement and Economic Development Manager, at albarbakoff@kcls.org or Laurie Finlayson, Adult Services Librarian, at lfinlayson@kcls.org

Client Resources

FREE Basic Computer Skills Class on campus at Renton Technical!

RTC computer skills class

Do not let digital literacy be a barrier to a good job! Or financial stability!

Let's Talk Wellness with Dr. Harvey

Dr Harvey wellness group

Improve or Enhance Your Practices of Resiliency with Dr. Harvey!

Doney Coe Pet Clinic has moved to downtown Seattle

Doney Coe pet

Doney Coe Pet Clinic offers no-cost veterinary and wellness care to the companion animals of qualifying low-income and homeless families in Seattle.

Orion training in aerospace parts manufacturing

Orion program tours flyer

Orion provides a path to employment through our training and education programs. Businesses throughout the region have successfully employed our participants. Learn more about our curriculum and how it connects people with opportunities. Program tours are given every Monday at 9 a.m. at Orion Industries located at 1590 A Street NE, Auburn, WA, 98002.

Government benefits & system navigation programs at El Centro de la Raza

Family assistance programs for those impacted by COVID-19 available at El Centro de la Raza locations in Seattle & Federal Way. In addition, a new program – South King County Systems Navigation Program for any individual or family in need, looking for assistance.

el centro

Consumer financial relief resources from NHCHC

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) hosts a resource page for front-line staff: how to access stimulus checks, rental assistance, broadband, and funeral expenses for your clients! There is financial relief available for clients, and it is important for case managers and front-line staff to know about these opportunities and how to access them. Click here for information on how to benefit from Stimulus/Survival Checks, the Federal Eviction Moratorium and Rental Assistance, Emergency Broadband Benefit, FEMA Funeral Relief, and the Child Tax Credit. We encourage you to share this information with your colleagues working directly with clients and others who may benefit from this information.

FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit Assists with Affording Internet Service

The Federal Communications Commission has launched a temporary program to help individuals and households struggling to afford Internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Emergency Broadband Benefit provides a discount of up to $50 per month toward broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers.

Eligible households can enroll through a participating broadband provider or directly with the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) using an online or mail in application.

Individuals can learn more about the benefit, including eligibility and enrollment information, by visiting  www.fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit, or by calling 833-511-0311.

Upcoming FREE workshops for job seekers

See many upcoming free workshops, in multiple languages, for job seekers in King County on the WorkSource workshop calendar. See all upcoming events here.

Virtual Resource Center

Virtual Resource Center

All are welcome to the virtual resource center, every Tuesday (1:30 - 3:00pm), and Wednesday (2:00 - 4:00pm), and Thursday (1:30 - 3:30pm). Log-in or call for free information and access to many services. More info here.

Online: log-in via Zoom (Meeting ID: 930-683-3892, Password: 459890); Telephone: 253-215-8782