Working to ease the baby formula shortage

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Your Update on What's Happening at the King County Council  

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I have heard from many of you about the challenges faced by families who are struggling to find baby formula amid the current shortage. Some have shared that they are going from store to store and still only finding empty shelves. As a father, I take to heart the severe distress many parents are feeling from not knowing where their baby’s next meal is coming from.

Recent market analyses are reporting a 40% out-of-stock rate in Washington State due to the compounding challenges of supply chain issues, product recalls, and historic inflation. In hopes that King County can help bring relief, yesterday I introduced legislation that would task King County with exploring ways to increase our local supply of baby formula through options such as making bulk purchases or partnering with federal and state agencies for aid.

I am hopeful that by acting swiftly and proactively, we will be able to alleviate the formula shortage and bring relief to the families who rely on a steady formula supply to keep their babies fed and healthy.

I’ve provided a few more King County updates for you below. Thanks for reading!

All my best,

Reagan Dunn signature



Reagan Dunn
King County Councilmember
District 9

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