![East Link Connections ST and KCM logo with cartoon images of a bus, Link](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/WAKING/2022/02/5523717/east-link-connections-graphic_original.jpg) In 2023, bus routes across the Eastside will be modified to take full advantage of the fast, frequent and reliable transit service that East Link light rail will bring.
Following the past year of engagement with the community, King County Metro and Sound Transit have released their latest draft bus network map. We need to know if these proposed changes will work for you.
Check out online resources, fill out the online survey, and sign up for virtual sessions on February 17 and 26 here:
Black History Month: celebrating Donald Phelps
![Donald Phelps](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/WAKING/2022/02/5523766/donald-phelps-ca-1953_original.jpg) Donald Phelps served as the first Black principal in Bellevue School District
During Black History Month, we often focus on the contributions of national Black leaders, like Frederick Douglass, Ida B. Welles, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Fanny Lou Hamer. We can also take the opportunity to recognize that history is made by people from all walks of life from the local to the national stage.
Here in East King County we can celebrate Donald Phelps, who started his teaching career in 1960 in Bellevue and was the first Black principal in the Bellevue School District at Robinswood Elementary. Among other innovations, he provided some of the first computer assignments to his students between 1967 and 1969. He was a news commentator on KOMO TV and Radio and served as Interim Superintendent of Lake Washington School District, President of Seattle Central College, and Chancellor of Seattle Community College District. He was also an accomplished singer. Learn more about this Eastside leader on HistoryLink.org:
Outdoor mask mandate lifts on February 18
![DOH mask](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/WAKING/2022/02/5523760/3958627/doh-mask-image_crop.jfif) This week, Governor Inslee announced that the Washington outdoor mask mandate will expire at the end of the day on February 17th. He plans to make additional announcements next week.
The relaxation of mask rules we’ve lived with for most of the last two years is a reflection of the high rate of vaccination in our community, which has kept thousands of people from becoming seriously ill and needing to go to the hospital. Our continued success relies on everyone getting vaccinated, and getting boosted when it’s time.
Remember, while we can look forward to the expiration of the outdoor mask mandate, the Omicron surge has not completely receded and we need to continue to adhere to Public Health guidelines to wear masks indoors when we are don’t know the vaccination status of the people around us.
Worried about possible health implications from the vaccine? Talk to your primary care physician or a healthcare provider that you trust. Unsure where to get your vaccine? King County can help you find a place to easily get a free vaccine in your community!
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![sm_balducci_banner](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/WAKING/2021/08/4867049/3703488/sm-balducci-original_crop.jpg) Claudia Balducci King County Council District 6