CDC changes its mask guidance, testing updates, the pandemic’s toll on health care workers, this week in the Council, King Day events and information Dr. King’s 1961 Seattle visit, the 2022 Legislative Session...

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January 17, 2022

the daily - 1961 - king

Dr. King visited Seattle one time – in 1961. He spoke at the University of Washington, Temple de Hirsch, Garfield High School and the Eagles Auditorium. For more on his visit, scroll down.

Dear Friends and Neighbors,  

First, a few thoughts on today. For many of us old enough to remember the battles in the 1960s for civil rights, this day is hugely significant. What I remember most about Dr. King was his persistence and courage in the face of seemingly unbeatable obstacles, and his insistence on adhering to the principles of nonviolence and civil disobedience.

He was an inspiration, and worked to better the lives of all Americans, especially African-Americans, but also poor people of all colors and union workers. He reached out to and worked with people from all social, economic and religious backgrounds.

As we celebrate today (more on that below), I also have to say I am struck by the sad irony of the debate taking place now in our nation’s capital over voting rights. I’m quite saddened that nearly 50 years after passage of the Voting Rights Act we are still battling over whether voting should be fair and accessible for all Americans.

Today’s e-newsletter is a bit shorter than usual as it is a King County holiday. I am including below the latest on changes to the CDC’s mask guidance, updates on testing, news on the pandemic’s toll on health care workers, more on King Day events and information on Dr. King’s one and only visit to Seattle in 1961. Note that the COVID numbers below were current as of Friday, January 14th. Also note this is the second week of the 2022 Legislative session. It’s the short 60-day session so things go by fast. For the calendar, committee agendas, bill information, how to testify remotely, etc., see I’m testifying tomorrow on Senate Bill 5760 on updating and expanding the motion picture competitiveness program.

As always, I would like to hear from you. You can call me at 206-477-1004 or you can reach me by email at   

All the best and I hope you are staying safe.