Omicron update, school outbreaks and closures, Seattle Reign women’s soccer returns to Seattle, Governor’s homelessness proposals, preserving resources and open space during a pandemic, Kwanzaa and “Noon Year’s Eve,” and a holiday poem from Maya Angelou...

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Banner image showing King County Councilmember Jeanne Kohl-Welles.

December 16, 2021

Rapinoe - Lumen Field

Megan Rapinoe. The Reign is coming back to Seattle! See below for details. Photo from Lumen Field.

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I’m pleased to report that the County Council approved my legislation at our last meeting of the year on Tuesday for the land swap with the City of Seattle that will give ownership of City Hall Park to the County. The Park is adjacent to the King County Courthouse, the seat of government for King County. Acquiring it will allow us to better assure the safety of Courthouse employees and those who access its much-needed services, including to justice, as well as to nearby residents, businesses and the nearby neighborhoods.      

By working together, we will ensure this space is inclusive, recreational and safe, and we can make certain the community knows that any potential movement toward making this space anything but open will be subject to robust public engagement. I appreciate the collaboration of Executive Constantine and Mayor Durkan in making this change a reality. Next up is a vote from the Seattle City Council. You may also find the following articles of interest:

- King County close to making trade with Seattle for City Hall ParkMercer Island Reporter

- King County Council approves land swap to take over Seattle City Hall ParkThe Seattle Times

The Council’s last meeting of the year was yesterday and we will be on winter recess until January 3rd when I’ll resume the e-newsletter. But my office will remain open through the end of the year and I can still be reached by email.

As always, I would like to hear from you. You can call me at 206-477-1004 or you can reach me by email at   

All the best and I hope you have a safe, peaceful and healthy holiday time.