Omicron update, Council boosts transit and housing assistance, pandemic impacting young people’s mental health, final council redistricting map, tiny house construction, avoid flushing trash...

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Banner image showing King County Councilmember Jeanne Kohl-Welles.

December 9, 2021

don't flush graphic

Flush only toilet paper and protect your home, the sewer system, and the environment. See below for details!

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

The Council is winding down as this very remarkable year comes to a close. Next Tuesday will be the Council’s last meeting of the year at which the Council will vote on my legislation, a proposed ordinance to acquire City Hall Park adjacent to the King County Courthouse from the City of Seattle. I’ll have more details in next Monday’s newsletter. And we’ll then be on our winter recess from December 15 - January 4, although my office will be open and I will continue reading email and sending out the enews through December 23rd.

In the meantime, I’m including below the latest update from Public Health on the King County patient with the identified Omicron variant, as well as other news on the Omicron variant. Also included below is some disturbing information on the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of our region’s young people.

Following the multitude of remembrances last week about Pearl Harbor, I thought a lot about the backlash that followed the attack, which greatly impacted our state. As you know, many Washington residents of Japanese descent were forcibly detained in internment camps, some here in Washington. HistoryLink has several essays about events in Seattle immediately following America’s declaration of war against Japan, according to one of which, “Fear was present in the Japanese American community. There were rumors that some Seattle Japanese youths had been beaten up. One Japanese American said, "I was going to take the children downtown to do some Christmas shopping, but I'm afraid it may not be safe" (The Seattle Star).” It reminds me of the fear in Arab-American communities following the attacks on September 11th.

As always, I would like to hear from you. You can call me at 206-477-1004 or you can reach me by email at   

All the best and I hope you are staying safe.