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December 2, 2021

women waiting - Photo by Vonecia Carswell on Unsplash

Photo by Vonecia Carswell on Unsplash

Dear Friends and Neighbors,  

I don’t know how many of you had time yesterday to tune in to hear the oral arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court on the Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks, or, more likely as was the case with me, read or heard about what happened. The Mississippi law is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 law that established the right to abortion across the nation.

As someone who has followed this issue for decades, and who remembers life in this country before Roe, I found the oral arguments quite chilling. I can only conclude that there is a good chance that Roe v. Wade will be overturned by the end of the Court’s term next summer. 

We are fortunate here in Washington state, one of the very few states in the nation that fully protects the right to an abortion in the event Roe is overturned. Dedicated volunteers across the state gathered signatures for Initiative 120, which basically codified the tenets of Roe v. Wade into state law. Initiative 120 was approved by a vote of the people in 1991 and remains the law today. Regardless of what happens at the national level, Washington state women’s rights will still be protected. You may find the following of interest:

- Justices' abortion remarks: Is it time to overturn Roe? – AP News

- The end of Roe is coming, and it is coming soonThe New York Times

- Executive Constantine statement on Mississippi abortion case at U.S. Supreme Court

On other issues, included below is the latest on the new COVID variant, booster shots, masks, the federal infrastructure bill and much more.  Here is the statement released on Monday by the Governor, Executive Constantine, and Mayor Durkan on the Omicron variant.

As always, I would like to hear from you. You can call me at 206-477-1004 or you can reach me by email at   

All the best and I hope you are staying safe.