Indigenous Peoples’ Day, monoclonal antibodies, a post-COVID future, This Week at the Council, air pollution and climate change...

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Banner image showing King County Councilmember Jeanne Kohl-Welles.

October 11, 2021

IPD-I’ll be speaking on Indigenous Peoples’ Day at tomorrow’s County Council meeting with Council Chair Claudia Balducci.

I’ll be speaking on Indigenous Peoples’ Day at tomorrow’s County Council meeting with Council Chair Claudia Balducci.

Dear Friends and Neighbors,  

For the first time, a U.S. President has acknowledged Indigenous Peoples’ Day, declaring today, October 11, 2021 Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Although today is still officially a federal holiday known as “Columbus Day,” the President’s statement (well worth reading) is an important step in coming to grips as a nation with the devastation suffered by native peoples as a result of European settlement and later actions by the U.S. government, states and territories.

And, I’m pleased to inform you that, as of next year, Indigenous Peoples’ Day will be an official holiday in King County; I’m including more on that below.

And below, of course, is the latest on COVID, including a proposed pill for treating the disease, and locations for monoclonal antibody treatments. Also included below is the news on this week’s Council meetings and deliberations, as well as the links for finding out whether the state owes you any money (really!).

I also wanted to point out a fascinating book review in The New York Times that you may find of interest. In the article, the author reviews a book about the cultural and historical origins of some uniquely American character traits, possibly even explaining some of our current divisions over masks and vaccines.

As always, I would like to hear from you. You can call me at 206-477-1004 or you can reach me by email at   

All the best and I hope you are staying safe.