King County Veterans Program is hosting a virtual Reboot/Recruit Veteran Career Fair. The fair, which is open to veterans, servicemembers and their families, will be held from 9:00am to 12:00pm on Wednesday, October 13, 2021. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with the following employers: Amazon Web Services, Bureau of Prisons, City of Seattle, Columbia Distributing, G4S, Pierce County, Salesforce, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Tacoma Screw, Transwest, Veterans Health Administration & Veteran Benefits Administration and Washington State Employment Security Department.
Learn more and register.
National Falls Prevention Awareness Week occurs every year the third week of September to raise awareness about the impact of falls among older adults, promote the message that most falls are preventable and offer practical solutions to prevent falls. This year for Falls Prevention Awareness Week, the King County Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy (VSHSL), City of Seattle’s Aging and Disability Services, Sound Generations and several local community-based organizations are teaming up to spread the word about how to prevent falls!
Join us for two virtual events. Events are open to all.
Monday, September 20, 3:00-4:00pm – VSHSL Grantee Fall Prevention Programs in King County: This presentation, facilitated by Sound Generations, will showcase a few local fall prevention programs funded by VSHSL. These exercise and education programs help improve participants’ strength, stability, and awareness of falls.
Wednesday, September 22, 2:30-3:30pm – Medication Management and Falls Prevention Panel: This panel will feature medical professionals working in a range of fields talking about the intersection between medications and falls and how medication management programs can effectively address falls.
To learn more and for log in information.
Check Cultivating Connections the week of September 20-24 for tips and resources related to falls prevention.
 Congratulations to Hopelink and Vashon Maury Community Food Bank, our partners newly awarded under the Remote Access from Rural Food Banks Pilot VSHSL strategy!
Our new partners will improve access to human services systems for individuals in rural areas through rural food banks that will operate as centralized points of access from which residents may increase knowledge about what human services may be available to meet their needs, connect to service providers and/or potentially receive direct support or assistance at this centralized location.
Learn more about Hopelink and Vashon Maury Community Food Bank.
Learn more about other VSHSL partners by searching our new awards database.
 Veterans singing during Path with Art’s Veteran’s Choir, a collaboration with the Seattle Opera. The choir is a Vets Engaged program.
Congratulations to our partners that are newly awarded under the VSHSL Vets Engaged Program! Vets Engaged programs convene community-building events and networks that increase social connection for veterans and military servicemembers and their respective families in King County. Learn more about our partners’ new Vets Engaged programs:
Path with Art: "Found Fashion” will be an eight-week class leading veterans and non-veterans in an exploration of self.
Seattle Opera: “The Veterans Choir” in collaboration with Path with Art will guide veterans to develop a 20–30-minute choral piece achieving veterans healing and community-building practices rooted in music and singing.
Sno-Valley Senior Center: “Veterans Coffee and Memoir Writing” will have veterans participate in a memoir writing workshop where veterans and other seniors learn to share their stories to relieve trauma and build comradery.
South Park Senior Citizens: “SPSC Vets Engaged” will launch field trip programming for senior veterans and non-veteran community members, that will include a Seattle Mariners game, a tour at the Center for Wooden Boats and more.
Travis Manion Foundation: “Character Does Matter: A Veteran-Led Youth Mentorship Program” will enlist veteran mentors to interact with and deliver 40-minute character education presentations to students.
Learn more about other VSHSL partners by searching our awards database.
 King County’s Eviction Prevention and Rent Assistance Program (EPRAP) continues to identify and implement ways to accelerate payments and to streamline and shorten the process for approving applications for rent assistance for tenants throughout the region who have fallen behind due to COVID-related economic hardships, such as illness or unemployment.
Learn more about EPRAP and the recent changes.