In honor of Older Americans Month and in recognition of the difference King County’s senior centers have made in the lives of older adults in King County, especially during this past year supporting older adults throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, King County’s Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) thanks King County’s senior centers and partnering organizations!
Learn more about how King County's senior centers and senior serving partners supported seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
 As the important contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals are recognized across America in celebration of Pride Month, we uplift important work happening in our corner of the country. In rural east King County, two Veterans, Seniors & Human Services Levy-funded Senior Hubs are creating more inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ older adults. Over the past year, the GenPride Senior Hub has built a new partnership with the Far East Senior Hub (FESH) to strengthen culturally informed services and programs of the three senior center members of FESH.
Learn more about GenPride Senior Hub and FESH and their work to promote LGBTQ+ inclusivity.
 What do you like best about your job? What are some things that can improve?
Make your voice heard. Share how factors beyond your paycheck impact how you feel about your work. Help us build a stronger nonprofit community in King County by participating in a King County Nonprofit Employee Engagement Survey. All responses will be confidential.
The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. The survey is available in 10 languages: Amharic, Arabic, English, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Spanish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
Participation is open to all salaried employees of King County-based and/or King County-serving nongovernmental, nonprofit entities. Unpaid volunteers, interns, contractors, and board members are not eligible to participate in the Employee Engagement Survey.
Take the Nonprofit Employee Engagement Survey.
 Learn more about VSHSL-funded kinship care provider, Women United, in the video linked below.
Last month, during the third week of Older Americans Month, we recognized the important role many grandmothers and grandfathers, older aunts and uncles and other older relatives or kin play in the lives of vulnerable children as we highlight the important role of kinship care in many children’s lives in King County.
Learn more about the services provided by VSHSL-funded kinship care providers- Catholic Community Services of Western Washington, Encompass Northwest, Intercultural Children Family Services and Women United.
 Vets Engaged is seeking new applicants and wants to hear your ideas to help bridge the civilian-military divide. By awarding grants of $9,999 for individuals and organizations to create free community-building events and activities, Vets Engaged seeks to build, strengthen and sustain social networks between veterans and their neighbors.
Watch a video to learn more and apply for a Vets Engaged grant here. Applications are due July 16, 2021.
Imagine! An accessible, connected system where medical, mental health, community-based and social service organizations work together to coordinate care and support … that no matter what organization you call, which provider you see, the type of insurance you have (or don’t have) or where you access services—you get quickly connected to what you need to be healthy and thrive.
HealthierHere, which receives funding through the VSHSL, is building a Community Information Exchange (CIE) called the Connect2 Community Network, in partnership with Crisis Connections, WAServes and a network of diverse community based-organizations to ensure that all people can access the same opportunities for health and wellbeing and experience similar outcomes by eliminating racial, ethnic, socio-economic and geographic disparities.
Learn more about the Connect2 Community Network.
 This spring and summer new virtual workshops will be available at no-cost for VSHSL-funded providers to attain and maintain competency in key skills relevant to their work.
Workshops include: Breaking Ice – June 24 | 1 - 3pm Motivational Interviewing – July 20 | 1 – 4pm Compassion Fatigue – August 4 | 1 – 3:30pm De-escalation – August 11 | 1 – 3:30pm Trauma-Informed Care | August 25 1-4pm Mental Health Literacy | September 14 1-4pm
Additional panel discussions for leadership of VSHSL-funded organizations will be announced shortly. New information will be posted at the link below.
Click here for more information about each workshop and to register.
 Looking for a way to serve your community? The VSHSL Advisory Board currently has vacancies on each committee. The board consists of three committees that represent a VSHSL priority population: Veterans, Seniors and Vulnerable Populations. Board members are nominated by nominating entities and then apply to fill vacancies. The VSHSL Advisory Board oversees the distribution of VSHSL proceeds and advises King County on matters that uniquely affect each of the VSHSL’s priority populations.
Learn more about which committees and nominating entities have board vacancies and how to apply.
 DCHS is pleased to release this request for proposals to fund community-based and legal service providing organizations to provide support with record expungement and collateral financial consequences relief for those in King County burdened by drug conviction related criminal records and intersecting collateral impacts. Applications are due July 29, 2021 by 1:00pm.
Learn more about the funding opportunity and how to apply.