Memorial Day, Townhalls, Secure Medicine Return, and More!

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Your Update on What's Happening at the King County Council  

Friends and Neighbors -

This holiday weekend many of us will enjoy the outside and barbecue with our loved ones in a way we haven't been able to in over a year. But we must not forget the meaning of Memorial Day, as it is a time to remember and honor those who have sacrificed their lives during their military service. 

Some will reflect on this day by laying flowers at a grave site, some will have a U.S. flag flown over the Capitol and others may wear a red poppy pin. But wherever you are on this Memorial Day weekend, remember that we are fortunate to be where we are today because of the brave men and women who lost their lives fighting for our freedoms. Let us be grateful on this Memorial Day. . 

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend.


Reagan Dunn signature



Reagan Dunn
Vice Chairman
Metropolitan King County Council

Memorial Day -

Legislation that I sponsored passed this week and has established an awareness campaign about King County’s Secure Medicine Return Program. This public awareness campaign is a significant step toward keeping unused medicine off the streets and protecting everyone from drug overdoses, especially during the pandemic.

Resources will include the location of drop boxes across King County as well as the number – 1-800-633-7765 – that any resident of the county can call to request a mail-back envelope.

For more information about the program and to find a location to securely drop off your old medication, visit:

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