Clarification on mask wearing, CDC messaging confusion, Facial Recognition Technology ban, rental assistance, World Bee Day...

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May 20, 2021


Dear Friends and Neighbors,

“Continue wearing face masks in public indoor settings.”  That is the bottom line from this afternoon’s announcement from Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin of Public Health – Seattle & King County.   Dr. Duchin held a press conference this afternoon that can be viewed here.

The new directive from Dr. Duchin comes amid increasing confusion regarding the CDC’s latest guidance for fully-vaccinated people - released this past weekend – which included an apparent about-face on mask-wearing.  More on this issue is included below.

In other important news, I’m very pleased to report that my legislation banning the use of Facial Recognition Technology by King County government, passed out of the Council’s Committee of the Whole unanimously yesterday and will be taken up by the full Council on June 1.  If passed by the full Council, King County will be the first county in the nation to institute such a ban.  I was interviewed on the topic by CNBC; the coverage can be viewed here.      

Also included below is some information on World Bee Day - - which is today!  Bees and other pollinators are critical to our planet’s ecosystems and the human food supply.  I hope you’ll take a minute to read, and see the link to information on reducing or eliminating your use of pesticides, a primary source of bee colony collapse.

As always, I would like to hear from you. You can call me at 206-477-1004 or you can reach me by email at 

All the best and I hope you are staying safe.