Three counties roll back, vaccine news, less cleaning?, cultural institutions and COVID, hate crimes increase, baby lemurs...

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April 12, 2021

baby lemurs

These three bouncing babies were born March 29th to first-time red ruffed lemur mom, Sally (see below). Photo by Woodland Park Zoo.

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

You know spring is here when the Skagit Valley Tulips are in full bloom.  While we’re all excited about the sunshine – and the anticipated warmer weather – it’s still important to remember the coronavirus is unfortunately continuing to spread throughout our communities.  As irritating as it is, we must continue to mask-up when in public (even once vaccinated), in particular with the new variants (as well as people between the ages of 20 -34) driving the increasing numbers.

And, speaking of numbers, Governor Inslee just announced the rollback of three counties that are not currently meeting the Phase 3 Healthy Washington metrics for reopening activities.  The three counties returning to Phase 2 are Cowlitz, Pierce and Whitman.  The next evaluation of the status of counties will take place in three weeks.  Dr. Umair Shah, our state's Secretary of Health issued this statement following the Governor's announcement.   

Also, as a reminder, this week is the Council’s Spring Recess with no official Council meetings being held. But I am checking my email and we will send out our E-news this Thursday. If you need anything urgent, please contact my Chief of Staff at

As always, I would like to hear from you. You can call me at 206-477-1004 or you can reach me by email at 

All the best and I hope you are staying safe.