Getting a vaccine appointment, COVID variants, $26 million coming to combat homelessness, van donations, new baby gorilla...

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April 8, 2021

six feet

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Although vaccine supply is still problematic, eligibility for COVID-19 vaccines will expand to all individuals 16 and older in Washington state starting next Wednesday, April 15th.  More information on locating available vaccine appointments is included below, but I want to highlight the City of Seattle’s COVID-19 Vaccination Notification List.  You can pre-register for a vaccine at a City-run facility (Lumen Field, North Seattle College, Rainier Beach Community Vaccination Hub, West Seattle Community Vaccination Hub).  This article in The Seattle Times includes more information on registering at a City vaccine facility: Sign up to get notified about COVID-19 vaccines in Seattle — here’s what you need to know.

You may also be interested in this MSN article: City of Seattle asking residents to preregister for vaccine appointments.

I also wanted to call your attention to this breaking news story, just posted by The Seattle Times: Seattle, King County to receive $26 million in federal COVID relief funds to combat homelessness.  This is amazingly good news!

There is another breaking news story, however, that is not such great news.  MyNorthwest is reporting today that Gov. Inslee, in his press conference this afternoon, echoed the state Department of Health regarding the possibility of moving some counties back to Phase 2 of reopening.  Inslee said the decision will be guided by the numbers.

The Council will be on Spring Recess next week and, as such, we will not be holding our Council and Committee meetings. However, I will continue with sending out Monday’s and Thursday’s E-newsletters although they’ll likely be a bit shorter. My staff are trying to getting me to stay away from email but they acknowledge that likely will be impossible.

As always, I would like to hear from you. You can call me at 206-477-1004 or you can reach me by email at 

All the best and I hope you are staying safe.