Solidarity with AAPI community, Women’s History Month Panel, tenant protections, new Governor’s directive on vaccine, American Rescue Plan and more

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March 18, 2021

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Photo: Real Change News/Lisa Hagen Glynn

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

On Monday, I wrote a message of support for the demonstrations in support of the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community and in condemnation of the hate crimes against AAPI individuals. In King County and across the nation, there have been significant increases in violence against the AAPI community based largely on the FALSE belief that Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have been responsible for spreading COVID-19.

In light of the violent attacks in Georgia resulting in the murder of eight people—including six of Asian descent and seven women—I write to re-affirm that message. To our AAPI community, let me be clear—I stand with you, and I stand solidly against these acts of hate. There is a legacy of anti-Asian sentiment and scapegoating in American history, and we cannot continue to allow this type of rhetoric to permeate our collective consciousness. While this attack happened in Georgia, attacks in public spaces happen closer to home, too, as a man was shot and killed inside a Rainier Valley church yesterday afternoon. That investigation is ongoing and information on the victim is not available at this time.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you all to join me in expressing support for and solidarity with the AAPI community, committing to doing the personal work to unlearn any stereotypes or stigmas you may unconsciously hold, and taking action in the ways we all can to combat this type of thinking. For more information, here are just a few resources that I saw and appreciated. There are many more out there!

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As always, I would like to hear from you. You can call me at 206-477-1004 or you can reach me by email at

All the best and I hope you are staying safe.