We would like to invite you to participate in a King County Nonprofit Employment Survey Wage & Benefits Survey that will help build a stronger nonprofit community in King County. Funded through the King County Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy (VSHSL) and administered by our partner 501 Commons, the surveys will produce an informational resource to help the nonprofit community better understand the array of influences – including wages – that contribute to successful employee recruitment, retention and satisfaction in the nonprofit sector.
Participation is open to all King County-based and serving nongovernmental, nonprofit entities. One employee from each nonprofit should complete the Wage & Benefits Survey. The employee should be familiar with compensation and benefits such as an Executive Director, Human Resources staff or a Finance Manager.
Take the Wage & Benefits survey now or share the survey link with the appropriate staff member in your organization.
 Child Care Resources, in partnership with VSHSL, has launched a Veteran Student Child Care Subsidy program to support veteran students with the costs of child care while they pursue their post-secondary education or training program.
Please join Child Care Resources for an informational session to learn more about the Veteran Student Child Care Subsidy program, receive guidance on the application process, and ask questions.
Thursday, March 18 12:00 – 1:00 pm – Click here to register
Friday, March 19 2:00 – 3:00 pm – Click here to register
Learn more about the program, eligibility requirements and application process.
 You are invited to a VSHSL virtual Community Planning Session to help inform an upcoming funding opportunity. This opportunity includes the investment for two strategies: Caregiver Community Building and Caregiver Respite. The strategies seek to support caregivers of seniors, age 55 and older, and caregivers of veterans and military servicemembers and their respective families, with meaningful community building and respite services. VSHSL is collaborating with the City of Seattle Human Services Department, Aging and Disability Services (ADS) on this planning session and upcoming funding opportunity.
Zoom Community Planning Session:
Thursday, March 25, 2021 | 1 – 3:30 pm Meeting ID: 974 6078 9810
Registration is required. After registering you will receive an email confirmation with information about how to join the meeting. Register here.
 The King County Veterans Program (KCVP) Seattle office has relocated from Belltown to Northgate. Starting today, Monday March 15, KCVP Seattle is open for in-person services at the new Northgate location. No changes are being made to KCVP Tukwila.
KCVP Seattle is now located at:
Northgate Executive Center II 9725 3rd Ave NE, Suite 300 (Third Floor) Seattle, WA 98115
KCVP Seattle staff can be reached during normal business hours Monday through Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (closed 12-1 pm) at 206-477-8282.
KCVP Tukwila continues to be open for in person services during normal business hours Monday through Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (closed 12-1 pm). Reach KCVP Tukwila staff at 206-477-7022.
Learn more about the King County Veterans Program relocation to Northgate.
 Veterans singing during Path with Art’s Veteran’s Choir, a collaboration with the Seattle Opera.
Veterans returning from military service often face challenges reintegrating into civilian life that can result in social isolation. Vets Engaged, a VSHSL program, seeks to reduce social isolation among veterans by funding programs that cultivate a sense of belonging amongst veterans, helping to bridge the “civilian-military divide” between veterans, servicemembers and the general population.
In 2020, one organization funded under Vets Engaged, Path with Art, launched a year-long offering of arts programming tailored for veteran participants. Called Boots in the Arts, the program seeks to harness the power of creative engagement as a bridge to community and a path to stability.
Vets Engaged accepts applications on a rolling basis with two annual review dates. Applications will be reviewed the first Wednesday in April and last Wednesday in June from 2021 to 2023. In 2021, applications will be reviewed on April 7 and June 30.
Learn more about Vets Engaged and Path with Art’s Boots in the Arts program.