VACCINE UPDATES, winter safety and 17th-century “plague doctors”

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December 14, 2020

vaccine arrival

Vaccines arrive at the UW Medical Center today. Photo provided by The Seattle Times.

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

The first batch of vaccines has arrived in Washington state, ensuring that the new year does indeed hold hope for an eventual return to more normal lives.  As you probably know, the first doses of the vaccine will be prioritized for those in high-risk professions and circumstances, specifically, high-risk health care workers and first responders as well as residents and staff of nursing homes and high-risk congregate living settings.  It will be several months before the vaccines are available to the broader population.   

The first doses of the Pfizer vaccine arrive just as our nation’s death toll from COVID-19 tops 300,00 people.   And public health experts are warning they expect cases and deaths to continue to rise rapidly this winter, especially if people travel and gather for the holidays at the rates we saw over Thanksgiving.

Additional vaccines are in the pipeline, awaiting FDA approval.  Doses of the Moderna vaccine could start shipping as early as the end of this week, according to NBC news.        

This e-newsletter includes more on the latest coverage of the vaccine rollouts and distribution planning (see below).    

As always, I would like to hear from you. You can call me at 206-477-1004 or you can reach me by email at 

All the best and I hope you are staying safe.