Metro Transit Alert – Metro operates regular weekday bus service on Veterans Day; Water Taxis do not operate on Wednesday; travel safely

On Wednesday, November 11, Metro and King County observe Veterans Day.

Thank you Veterans, for your service.

Metro operates regular weekday bus schedules on Veterans Day, but most offices will be closed in observance of the holiday, including the Customer Information line at 206-553-3000. Visit the Contact us page on Metro’s website for information about other ways to reach us.

The Vashon and West Seattle Water Taxis and Water Taxi shuttle routes 773 and 775 will not operate on Wednesday.

Current Metro news and service
Thank you Metro riders for wearing a mask or face covering while riding, and in all public spaces. Metro appreciates riders’ observance of all safety and health guidelines.

Visit Metro’s website and the Metro Matters blog for news and updates.

Tapping your ORCA card is the fastest and safest way to pay your fare. Visit Metro’s website to learn about managing your ORCA account.

Ride safely
Metro appreciates riders for following safety policies and guidelines, including:

  • Wearing a face covering in public and while riding on transit.
  • Staying home if you are sick.
  • Maintaining 6 feet of distance from others.
  • Observing and abiding by posted directions and decals.

Watch for new or changing information.

Transit information

Know before you go
During events that disrupt transit service, online or real time customer information planning tools and third-party apps may not be accurate and may not reflect temporary schedule changes. These systems may still provide useful information, such as maps and bus stop information.

 Thank you for riding and for using Metro’s services.  Be safe.