Indigenous Peoples Day, eviction moratorium, COVID antibody trial, a safe Halloween, budget process update and much more

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October 12, 2020


Image from the United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. via Twitter

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Change is possible.  I grew up in a nation that celebrated Columbus Day without a second thought.  After decades of work on the part of Native Americans and activists, today we celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day.  See the proclamation from County Executive Constantine here

Here in Seattle and King County we live and work on the ancestral lands of the Muckleshoot, Snoqualmie, Puyallup, Tulalip, and Suquamish Tribes, and the Duwamish people.  There are 29 federally-recognized tribes in Washington state, as well the Duwamish, Wanapum and Chinook peoples. 

Seattle is the only major city in the country to be named after a Native American, and the art, culture and languages of the native people of this region infuse Pacific Northwest culture.  But the sad truth is Indigenous People suffer disproportionately from the long-term effects of racism and economic oppression, and this is evidenced by higher rates of health problems, poverty and homelessness. 

If you would like more information on the native people of our state, see the website for the Northwest Treaty Tribes.  You may also be interested in the following recent articles from The Seattle Times:

- Washington tribes find new energy to vote in 2020 election, pour campaign cash into races

- Much of America has stopped celebrating Columbus Day, but the explorer remains revered in Italy

- After push from Native organizations, King County will add tribal affiliations to its homelessness database (August)

As always, I would like to hear from you. You can call me at 206-477-1004 or you can reach me by email at 

All the best and I hope you are staying safe.