Supplemental Notice & Continued Public Hearing

2020 King County Comprehensive Plan

July 7, 2020

Supplemental Notice & Continued Public Hearing

On Tuesday, July 7, 2020, the King County Council is scheduled to hold a continued public hearing on the proposed 2020 update to the 2016 King County Comprehensive Plan (Proposed Ordinance 2019-0413). The hearing will take place starting at 1:00 p.m.  The public hearing will be held remotely to comply with the Washington State Governor's Declaration 20-28 (as amended) regarding the Open Public Meetings Act. Information on how to participate in the Zoom meeting, or to watch the meeting on KCTV, are available here. At the conclusion of the July 7th public hearing, the Council will continue it to July 21, 2020, where a final vote may also be taken.

The Council has issued supplemental notice on the Council's website, which can be viewed here.  The supplemental notice covers the Council's potential consideration of modifications to the Transfer of Development Rights provisions in S3, and adding a provision to the Residential Density Incentives program in the King County Code for allowing additional density when a development project includes affordable housing.

As amendments are made public, they will be posted to the Council's website, here.

The Council will continue to take public comments on the proposed plan until final adoption.  In addition to the opportunity for verbal public comments through Zoom at the public hearing on July 7 or July 21, comments can also be submitted electronically by either: