Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Gov. Jay Inslee will give another update on the state’s COVID-19 response during a 1 p.m. press conference today (Tuesday). He will be joined by Lisa Brown, director of Commerce and Colleen McAleer, executive director of the Clallam County Economic Development Council. You can stream the address live by clicking the following link: https://www.tvw.org/watch/?eventID=2020041023&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
Also, at 1:00 p.m. today, the King County Council Committee of the Whole will be meeting virtually. You can stream the meeting live by clicking the following link: https://livestream.com/accounts/15175343/events/4485487
Additionally, in my daily update I sent last night, the link for the meeting’s agenda was incorrect. You can view the correct meeting agenda by clicking the following link: https://mkcclegisearch.kingcounty.gov/View.ashx?M=A&ID=773678&GUID=8D709317-3FA7-4D72-801F-8B538C4351A0
The agenda also includes instructions for providing public comment via remote access.