Monthly News and Highlights January 2020 | www.kingcounty.gov/VSHSL
VSHSL by the numbers
Vets Engaged awardees
Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Supportive services for veterans
Open funding opportunities
VSHSL in the news
Thank you to our community! 2019 was an innovative year full of collaborations with new partners, serving populations in new ways and exciting new models to provide outreach, connection and support to veterans, servicemembers and their families; seniors and their caregivers; and vulnerable populations in King County.
We hit the ground running early last year and didn’t slow down. In 2019, we launched 30 funding opportunities that made exciting investments. For example, 28 senior centers were funded to form 14 senior hubs that will serve as resource centers and connection points on aging services and provide support, outreach, connection and social engagement for King County’s diverse population of seniors and caregivers.
Another exciting 2019 investment was $6 million awarded to 9 organizations to fund mobile advocates to robustly support survivors of domestic and sexual violence. We are excited to support our partners in this evidence-based and survivor-led approach that empowers survivors to lead the process, choose their own goals and define what is most safe for them.
2019 also saw 8 partners funded to find, seek and connect veterans to services through Pathfinding. Pathfinding programs are robust systems of coordinated strategies that serve veteran populations who have not been historically connected to services-women veterans, transgender veterans, veterans of color, families of veterans, military servicemembers and veterans experiencing unsheltered homelessness—and connect them to community-based services.
As we look forward to our work and partnerships in 2020, we would like to take a moment to highlight a few key accomplishments of 2019. Read more here.
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Congratulations to our new Vets Engaged partners!
Vets Engaged is a VSHSL social engagement funding program that awards mini grants of $9,999 for organizations to convene community-building events and activities that can create, strengthen, and sustain social networks of veterans and their families. The goal is to reduce veterans’ sense of isolation by providing opportunities for veterans and their families to socialize with other veterans as well as non-veterans.
Through their recent Vets Engaged awards eleven organizations will be providing opportunities for veterans and their families to strengthen their social networks through community-building activities or events. For example, Projects for a Civil Society will be expanding a successful program called the Alternatives to Violence Project to help incarcerated veterans in King County counteract isolation, alienation, depression, anger and shame, and the Outdoors for All Foundation will be creating a new program, Military Community Days, to involve veterans and their families and friends in outdoor recreation activities.
Vets Engaged awardees include: Projects for a Civil Society, Outdoors for All Foundation, Ingersoll Gender Center, Path with Art, the Vashon Veterans Retreat Center, El Centro de la Raza, Rebecca’s Whimsical Art, the Salvation Army William Booth Center, South Park Senior Citizens, the North Seattle College Veterans Center and Veterans For Worship. We are looking forward to seeing the impact all of our new partners will make on King County’s veterans and their families.
Vets Engaged funding is still available! Click here for more information.
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The King County Veterans Program (KCVP) works with partners across the region to provide financial, housing, employment and other supportive services to veterans, servicemembers and their families throughout King County. Through a collaborative case management process a social service professional will work with clients to determine the type and levels of services and resources for which they may qualify.
For more information on available services and resources download our new KCVP brochure.
Promote Financial Literacy
Successful applicants will provide advice, education, counseling or coaching for seniors and vulnerable populations on debt education and management, household budgeting, establishing long-term financial goals, financial planning, selecting financial products or services, and protection against financial predation. Applications due: January 31
Senior Virtual Villages
VSHSL is now accepting applications to fund geographically-based or culturally-affiliated groups with current or emerging networks of volunteers to strengthen or develop senior village programs. Successful applicants will work to support low-income seniors, immigrant and refugee seniors, rural seniors, and/or seniors of color to remain in their communities of choice and stay connected within those communities in a way that promotes resiliency.
Applications due: February 24
Pathfinding Services for Native American Veterans
Successful applicants will engage, assess and connect Native American veterans, servicemembers, and their families to services that promote financial stability, social engagement and healthy living. Applications due: February 24
System Navigation for Persons with Disabilities and their Caregivers
Successful applicants will promote the inclusion, equitable access, advocacy and self-determination of persons with disabilities and their caregivers. Funded programming will also address the root causes of inequitable access to resources and information and will center and amplify the experiences of marginalized communities. This funding is open to, and encourages supports for, persons with disabilities of all kinds. Applications due: February 28
Caregiver Community Building for Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities
Successful applicants will provide programming to support community building for caregivers of persons with disabilities by addressing the following: community building activities, transportation and accessibility needs. This funding is designed to allow applicants to identify what opportunities for community building are needed and encourages creative and broad solutions that meet the self-identified needs of caregivers and persons with disabilities.This funding is open to and encourages supports for persons with disabilities of all kinds.
Applications due: March 9
Vets Engaged
Successful applicants will provide community-building activities or events that provide opportunities for veterans and their families to socialize with one another and with others. Applications accepted on a rolling basis
For a list of upcoming funding opportunities visit www.kingcounty.gov/VSHSL-Funding
Highly Impacted Communities Funding Opportunity
Our partner Public Health – Seattle & King County’s Health Care for the Homeless Network (HCHN) will be launching a new funding opportunity, in part funded by VSHSL, that designates $150,000 per year specifically for services to people living homeless from the two King County communities experiencing the greatest racial disparity in homelessness and some of the greatest health disparities overall: African Americans and Native Americans. The funding opportunity, called Highly Impacted Communities, will launch on March 2, 2020 for the next 3-year federal grant period covering calendar years 2021, 2022, and 2023.
A bidders’ conference for the Highly Impacted Communities funding opportunity will be held via webinar on Friday, March 6 and Tuesday, March 10 and Friday, March 13, with call-in details included in the RFP document. Applications will be due Wednesday, April 15, 2020.
For more information please contact myounghall@kingcounty.gov.
Senior Mobile Medical Outreach Funding Opportunity
Funded by VSHSL, our partner Public Health- Seattle & King County is requesting applications from community-based agencies to provide mobile medical, behavioral health, and social services for low income seniors in King County by establishing a senior mobile medical outreach team. Mobile Medical Outreach will contribute to the community level effort to promote accessible, efficient and effective human services system regardless of an individual's location or circumstances within King County.
Applications due: February 26, 2020 by 2:00pm
Click here for more information.
Upcoming community planning session
Kinship Care Supports
Monday, February 10 | 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Skyway Library
12601 76th Ave S
Seattle, WA 98178
Island nonprofit receives new levy funding, Vashon Beachcomber
City of Kent to add four new positions in 2020, Kent Reporter