National Police Week: Remembering Our Fallen Officers

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Police Week

Left to Right: Kent PD Commander Mike O'Reilly, Councilmember Kathy Lambert, Councilmember Reagan Dunn, KCSO Chief Patti Cole-Tindall

National Police Week

This past week was National Police Week, and on Wednesday—National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day—I presented a Proclamation honoring our fallen law enforcement personal. Police Week is a time for us all to reflect on the sacrifice of those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty, and to have gratitude for the officers who continue to put their lives on the line every day. 

This year's national ceremony was especially poignant as the Mayor of Kent, Dana Ralph, representatives of the Kent Police Department, and community members traveled to Washington D.C. for the national ceremony as the names of Officer Diego Moreno and Detective Derrick Focht were added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Thank you to our members of law enforcement and their families for their service and sacrifice.