Local Food Initiative News

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Celebrating cooperative farms, mental health awareness, and more!

The local food team shares articles, exclusive interviews, and project updates that tell the story of how we are building a stronger, more resilient local food system. To measure the success of local food programs, we have identified 10 indicators of success that measure how well we are doing in our efforts to create a stronger, more affordable food system. Each article is directly connected to one or more of our 10 indicators of success which are shown below and will also be shown in each article. Click on the indicator icons for more information about our initiative!

Did you know King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks has an Instagram page?

The Local Food Initiative will be sharing our stories on this page, so give us a follow if you're interested in hearing more about our work!

Local Food Initiative: 10 Indicators of Success

10 icons

Cascadia Cooperative Farms: Connecting farmers to new markets in King County


Cascadia Cooperative Farms (CCF) is an egg and pastured poultry cooperative in King and Snohomish counties that brings together small local farms raising pastured poultry to help connect member farmers to new markets, help them earn fair compensation for their products, and alleviate some of the administrative burden related to producing poultry products.

The Local Food team spoke with Libby Reed, farmer at Orange Star Farm, to learn more about the cooperative farm model and why she believes cooperative farms work well for farmers with small businesses.

Visit our blog post here to read more about Cascadia Cooperative Farm's story.


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Mental Health Awareness Month: Learn about how you can support mental health for farmers


In 2019, Washington farmers and their families are facing tough challenges – increased development pressures, economic uncertainties, and spring weather challenges have added to the normal stresses of farming. Barriers to getting help may be equally challenging. Where can farmers go for support to deal with these stressful times?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and King County is dedicated to supporting mental health for farmers this month and every month. Farmers are a high-risk population, with suicide rates consistently above those of the general population. Visit our blog post to read about the resources that may help if you are a farmer who needs to talk to someone, or you are someone who is worried about a farmer.

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Visit DNRP's blog post for resources and more information.

2017 Census of Agriculture: Main takeaways for King County

row crop

The Census of Agriculture, conducted once every five years by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is a voluntary mail survey that counts the number of U.S. farms and ranches, and looks at land use and ownership, operator characteristics, production practices, income, and expenditures.

The Census of Agriculture provides comprehensive agriculture data for every county in the nation. There are limitations to the Census due to the voluntary nature of the Census survey. Census surveys do not capture every farmer in the U.S., and the survey questions present categories that may not be relevant or applicable to every farmer.

However, the Census is currently the one of the best ways to glean countywide data about producers and the economic role of agriculture, which can influence decisions that will shape the future of agriculture in King County. Read more about the changes between 2012 and 2017 Ag Census for King County in DNRP's blog post

You can also visit the NASS website to read more about the 2017 Census of Agriculture. 


King Conservation District food systems report just released!


The report is titled 'Identifying Direct Market Opportunities and Challenges for King County Farms'. Small farm businesses have found profit in direct-to-market sales, but often find that they need better marketing and promotion support in order to sustain and amplify that profit. King Conservation District (KCD) and key stakeholders identified direct marketing support for farmers as a 2018 strategic initiative area for investment and contracted with the University of Washington Center for Public Health Nutrition (CPHN) to address two research question areas:

  1. What is the current state of King County’s direct market farm economy?
  2. What are the perceived challenges, areas of opportunity, and desired supports among farmers related to direct marketing?

To address these questions, CPHN conducted a systematic literature review on direct marketing in the United States and surveys and interviews with King County farmers about their experience with farming and direct marketing.

Read more about this project here.

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