City Manager Names New Kenmore City Attorney
City of Kenmore Washington sent this bulletin at 10/22/2019 04:45 PM PDT
Over the summer the City conducted a Request for Proposals for City Attorney services. The City received proposals from four law firms, including a proposal from Inslee Best Doezie & Ryder P.S. After a selection process including panel interviews with the City’s management team, Mayor Baker, and Planning Commission Chair Mark Ohrenschall, the City Manager recommended to the City Council that the City continue with Inslee Best Doezie & Ryder P.S. Ms. Reitan has advised cities on a wide range of municipal issues, including land use and zoning, development agreements, subdivision approvals, growth management, impact fees, building codes, annexations, public works bidding and contracting, appearance of fairness doctrine, conflicts of interest, open public meetings, and public records disclosure. Ms. Reitan is also experienced in drafting ordinances and resolutions on a wide range of city issues, and she has negotiated both large and small development agreements, franchise agreements, and other agreements. She has also represented municipal clients at numerous administrative hearings and defended them in Superior Court and the Court of Appeals. In addition to Dawn Reitan, Inslee Best will provide access to experienced attorneys in other legal specialties, including personnel, real property, public works bidding and construction, purchasing and procurement, eminent domain, nuisance abatement, and litigation. “Dawn Reitan is an excellent attorney and a good match for Kenmore,” said City Manager Rob Karlinsey. “We’re thrilled that Inslee Best submitted a proposal, and we’re even happier that Dawn will stay on as our City Attorney.”
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