Here are updates on HCA’s priorities and progress to stabilize the Benefits 24/7 platform for PEBB and SEBB employees. Our intention is to keep you informed on identified issues, how we’re prioritizing them, and when they’re addressed.
This list does not include all the identified issues, but several that we are prioritizing based on their impact on members’ enrollment. Keep in mind that we’re balancing the work on these issues with additional system issues affecting other PEBB and SEBB members, including retirees.
Some priorities we’re working on
For three employer groups who were new to PEBB coverage effective January 1, their employee enrollment information was sent to the carriers before carriers’ systems were ready to enroll them. This also affected two employer groups that switched from PEBB medical-only coverage to PEBB full benefits coverage effective January 1.
Some retiree accounts were incorrectly placed in UMP Classic Medicare with Part D (PDP) coverage. This causes these subscribers to be denied enrollment in other health coverage when their UMP coverage with Moda has not yet been terminated. HCA is working with Moda to identify these subscribers and process their accounts before they are terminated from their other coverage.
Updates from previously reported priorities
Enrollment data for 836 individuals from the December 24 carrier files did not make it to the PEBB and SEBB insurance carriers. Last week, HCA addressed an additional 127 accounts for an approximate total of 687 of these accounts resolved so far. We continue to work on the remaining accounts.
Of the 200 early retiree post-open enrollment accounts sent to UnitedHealthcare and Kaiser Permanente WA and NW with incorrect signature dates, 11 Kaiser Permanente accounts were addressed. HCA continues to work on the remaining UnitedHealthcare accounts this week.
HCA reviewed 129 accounts showing on an internal HCA report of PEBB employees with $0 due for their coverage on the monthly invoice. HCA identified 52 of these accounts had keying errors and is correcting the accounts. HCA continues to review the accounts on this report to confirm the issue has been resolved.
Retirees enrolled in UnitedHealthcare plans are incorrectly being enrolled by Moda (UMP’s prescription drug administrator) in the Medicare prescription drug portion of UMP Classic Medicare with Part D (PDP). HCA has been working with Moda to correct this issue.
On a few SEBB accounts, stepchildren were erroneously removed from coverage when resolving a discrepancy between Benefits 24/7 and Pay1. These stepchildren’s coverage has been reinstated, and HCA is still working on the underlying issue to prevent future occurrences.
Some issues that have been addressed
HCA identified an issue where the PEBB employee did not select vision coverage in Benefits 24/7 during open enrollment and should have been defaulted into MetLife Vision but instead were waived in Benefits 24/7. HCA has addressed approximately 400 accounts.
HCA addressed an issue related to a recurring report from our system to an Office of Finance Management system. PEBB state agency employers use this report to reconcile healthcare related transactions. The corrected report resolved the issue.
If you continue to have challenges on an issue that has been addressed, please submit a new ticket to HCA’s Outreach & Training team.
You can access weekly updates on the Benefits Administrator website via the pink alert box and under Notices and updates. We will continue expanding content on the website later this month.